I'm the Worst

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(A/N): Hey guys, I apologize for being gone for so long. I've been fighting a little depression and stress lately. The school year may be coming to an end but that doesn't mean the work load is going to lighten up. I finally took all three AP tests and the SAT though. So that should calm me down a bit more so I can start writing again ^.^


The Dateko match, the match that tore down every bit of self esteem the gentle glass hearted giant had. The day he decided to give up. You had witnessed it all. 

Your P.O.V

I was genuinely worried about Asahi, I knew how gentle he was and how depressed he could get. Suffering in silence was what he was best at, so when I became his girl friend I decided to never let him feel that way and be alone ever again. I ran to his house as soon as I got back to the school after the match, I was on the track team and we had had a track meet that same day at Dateko. I sprinted as hard as I could to get to his house only to see all of the windows dark. I caught my breath at he door and knocked. There wasn't any sign of life behind the door so I grabbed the spare key that Asahi kept behind the potted plant on the porch. "Asahi..." I called quietly through the dark house. No response came as I walked down the hallway to where his room was. "Asahi?" I called again in a quiet voice. "P-please leave." I heard a quiet whimper from the other side of his door. "Asahi, I'm never going to leave you." I said warmly through the door. "I'm the worst..." i barely heard him through the door. "No you aren't Asa-" "Yes I am! Stop acting like you still love me, I'm the lowest form of life on earth and can't even get a single spike over the net! I'm the Ace for fucks sake!" he yelled, cutting me off. I could hear him gasping for air and sobbing and it shattered my heart. "Leave me here, you don't love me.How could you, I don't even love myself." "Asahi, let me in please." I begged him. I couldn't stand hearing him speak so lowly of himself. "No. You'll just leave me." his sobs got louder. "Asahi I love you! Always will. Stop speaking so poorly o f my handsome man and open the door please." I leaned my head against the door and felt it move slightly, signalling that he opened the door. Without hesitation I pushed the door open gently so I wouldn't scare him. I found him sitting on the edge of his bed with his eyes cast towards the floor. His bun was messy and falling out. His volleyball warm ups wrinkled and unkempt, probably a result from him sitting curled in a ball on the floor. "I'm pathetic.... I can;t spike a ball, I can't make you happy, I make you worry about me constantly, I-" "Stop it. You aren't pathetic and you make me the happiest person every day because you're mine. I worry about you because I care about you Asahi." I spoke quietly and soothingly to him as I walked towards him carefully. "You're the best a girl could ask for." I sit on the bed next to him and grasp his hand lightly. He won;t make eye contact with me and I can feel the shame radiating off of him. "Look at me please." he glances up and quickly looks away, I reach for his face and see him flinch at my sudden movement. "It's going to be okay Asahi," I gently place my hand on his cheek and turn his face towards mine, "I love you, and nothing will ever change that. You will always be my big teddy bear that I can always count on." I smile a small light smile and lean my forehead on his. "I promise, I will always be here for you." I kiss his lips lightly and then brush my lips over his forehead. He closes his eyes and I can see his chest start heaving again, "It'll be okay." I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and pull him close to me as he starts sobbing again. "I-I'm s-s-s-sorry, I-I'm th-the wor-worst." he sobs and wraps his arms tightly around my body, constricting around me until it's almost painful. I shush him and take his hair out of the bun completely, then start running my fingers through his hair calmly and press kisses to his temple, forehead, and crown of his head. His fingers are clutched so tightly into my shirt I'm afraid it may tear. "I-I'm sorry." he chokes out between his crying. "You don't need to apologize for anything dear. Take a deep breath for me please." I say as I keep stroking his hair. He takes a shaky breath and lets it back out, calming down ever so slightly. "Good, now keep breathing." I say soothingly into his ear as he keeps repeating the action until his breath is relatively steady. His fingers loosen a little and I gently push him down to lay on his mattress with me. "What did I do to deserve you?" he asks weakly and snuggles closer to me, completely enveloping me in his embrace. "You were your wonderful self." I smile at him and kiss his jawline lightly. "I'm not wonderful tho-" "Stop talking like that, you are my wonderful boyfriend and I love you with my whole heart." I cut him off before he could put himself down again. "I-I love y-you t-too." he whispered to me so quietly I almost couldn't hear him. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his back, calming him down further and lulling him off to sleep. "(Y/n)..." he sighed out as he fell into a deep sleep. I continued to rub his back lightly and whisper comforting things into his ears for the next couple of minutes, until I was sure he was asleep. "Goodnight my sweet boy, I'll see you in the morning." I whispered and settled in to get some rest. "I love you, now and always." I pressed a light kiss to his lips before I fell into a deep sleep too.

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