Snow Day Part 2

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(A/N): Part two of the snow resort story!!
Your P.O.V

We all took our bags to our rooms and Ukai rounded all of us up to tell us that we could do whatever we wanted but not to get too carried away. We all nodded and as we separated I heard Sugawara start talking about how everyone should go sledding together. In the middle of his explanation though there is a loud voice that comes out of nowhere, "SNOW BALL FIIIIIGHT!!!!!" Tanaka and Nishinoya shout in unison and start throwing snowballs at everyone. Everyone stands there stunned for a moment before Hinata scoops up a handful of snow and smashes it onto Kageyama's head. Eventually the whole team is launching snowballs at each other except for me, Kiyoko, and Asahi. "These people are crazy." I sigh as I dodge yet another snowball aimed at my head. "I'm going inside, I'm cold." Kiyoko said and turned to go into the lodge. "Okay, see you." I waved at her and turned around to receive a face full of snow."(Y/N)!" Asahi yelps and tried his hardest to get to my side quickly. "HOLY CRAP IS THAT COLD!" I yelled and wiped it off my face. "(Y/n), are you okay?!" Asahi's brown eyes stare into mine as he grabs my cheeks with his gloved hands. "Yeah I'm fine Asahi, but just a Public Service Announcement: Snow is Cold!" I laughed and placed my hands on his, taking them away from my face. He chuckled nervously and glanced away, looking if there where any more snowballs flying at the two of us. "I'm going to go inside for a minute and get this freezing cold water off my face though. Be right back I promise!" I smiled up at him and turned to walk to the lodge. Once I was inside Kiyoko took a look at me and offered a mug of hot chocolate. "Thank you!" I grinned at her and drank the warm liquid. The steam started heating up my face and I sighed in content. As I sat there relaxing in one of the many armchairs, my eyes where wandering around until I found a sign at the front desk reading, "Ice Skate Rentals". My eyes widened and I stood up, placing my hot chocolate down on a table next to the chair. "Excuse me," I walked up to the front desk, "where is the ice rink?" I questioned. "We don't have an actual rink, but there is a frozen over pond just down that path over there, would you like some skates?" the worker at the desk asked me. "Y-Yes please!" I smiled and gave them my size. They placed the skates on the counter and I thanked them as I left. "Kiyoko, I'm going skating if you want to join me any time." I told her as I walked back out into the snow. I hung the skates around my neck and strode down the path to the frozen pond.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

After a couple of minutes I came to the frozen pond. "Wow, this is perfect!" I exclaimed as I stared at the smooth surface of the ice. I cleaned the snow off of a nearby log and laced up my skates. I stood and made my way to the ice. As soon as I Stepped onto the ice I started gliding and spinning. I laughed at the thought of me being better at ice skating than actual walking. Then I heard a snapping sound off to one side of the pond and stopped, staring in the direction of the sound.

Asahi's P.O.V

I was watching over everybody when I heard snow crunching behind me. I turned towards the sound and saw (Y/n) walking down a path that led into the forest. I furrowed my brows at her and started to follow quietly, "What is she up to?" I thought and turned back to the team to see if they were watching. Seeing them too immersed in throwing small frozen balls of death at each other I turned back and followed (Y/n). We walked for a while until I saw her stop and clear off a spot of a log and tie skates onto her feet. I tilted my head as I watched her glide and skate over the ice, "Wow....." I sighed and took another step. "She's... Beautiful." I said and took another step. With this step a twig snapped under my foot and I saw her movement on the ice stop. "O-oh crap!" I thought as I ducked behind a tree, peeking around it to see her eyes locked onto me.

Your P.O.V

"A-Asahi?" I asked and skated to the edge of the ice. "Hehe, hey (Y/n)." he sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck stepping out from behind the tree. "What are you doing behind a tree you creep!" I teased him and laughed at his reaction. He waved his hands in front of him and started rambling, "I'm sorry (Y/n)! Please don't think I'm a gang member, or a mafia leader, or a creep, or a-" "Asahi, calm down!" I laughed at his panicked rambling, "I was just joking! I know you're not a creep, or a mafia leader, or a gang member." I giggled at all the past names he's been called. He laughed nervously again and whispered loud enough for me to hear, "Y-You're really good at ice skating..." I blushed lightly at his comment and reached out for his hands. "W-Would you like to learn?" I asked and looked up at him. "I-I d-don't have skates th-though!" Asahi stuttered and blushed. "It's fine, I'll just push you around on the ice. Do you trust me?" I smiled reassuringly at him as he took my hand. "I'm sorta a lot heavier than you (Y/n)." Asahi said an dI pulled him around on the ice, "Everybody weighs the same on the ice Asahi." I blushed at pulled him in front of me. "You're turn to go backwards!" I laughed and pushed him away. "(Y/N)!! I CANT DO THIS!!" he panicked until he felt my hands placed securely on his sides. "Did you really think I would let you go?" I laughed from behind him. I felt his body go rigid as he tried to turn around and face me. He wasn't the most graceful at turning around and ended up falling. "A-Asahi! Are you okay?" I asked and I reached out my hands to help him up. "Y-yeah I'm fine, just don't DO that!" he said and tried getting to his feet. He slipped again, this time successfully bringing me down with him. "(Y/n)! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry!" he kept apologizing to me but I tuned him out. My back was pressed against the freezing ice, while my front was pressed against the warmth of him. I blushed when I realized what position we were in. He had stopped talking and was staring at my face to see if I was okay. "(Y/n), tell me you're okay!" Asahi's brown eyes swimming with worry and anxiety. I stared back at him for a minute before I lifted my head and collided my lips with his. He stiffened for a moment before he relaxed into it and kissed back. I let my head fall back onto the ice and I heard loud shouts and wolf whistles from the side of the pond. "Finally!" "Asahi didn't even make the first move!" "You guys are so cute!" Asahi blushed and turned away from the team in embarrassment. I laughed at all of them and patted Asahi cheek. Then the whole team, graceful as baby giraffes, glides onto the ice. Well more of a fall and slide than glide. They help us up and we all start randomly sliding around on the surface. Asahi, being to embarrassed and timid to move, stands there in the middle still. "Come on Asahi." I reached my hand out towards him to pull him back to solid ground.


Extended Ending

"Tanaka stop jumping you idiot!" was the last thing you heard before there was an audible crack. "Oh shi-" you were all plunged into the freezing water of the pond. Everyone went under and came back up, the water was only chest deep so no one would die from drowning at least.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

When everyone got back to the lodge soaking wet Ukai, Tadeka, and Kiyoko sprang up and immediately grabed blankets and hot chocolate. "You idiots! I told you not to get too carried away!" Ukai shouted at us. I started laughing at the whole predicament and eventually the whole team was snickering and laughing, even Asahi.

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