Snow Day Part 1

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(A/N): Hey guys, finals is coming up next week for me so I probably won't update any time soon after this! I'm sorry but three AP Classes are a little ridiculous! Thanks for reading though dearies ^.^ This is part one because this got really long when I was writing!
It was winter break for school, but that didn't mean it was winter break for volleyball. I am assistant manager for the volleyball club, and I was sending my first day of break sorting through permission slip with Kiyoko. It was already late since we started this after volleyball practice, and we were finally nearing the end. "Aaaand that's it. All of the slip have been signed and turned it. The volleyball team is all set for their winter retreat." I sighed and tapped them on the table to line them up. "Good job girls! Now you guys go home and get some rest, we're leaving tomorrow morning!" Tadeka sensei smiled and took the papers from us. "Yes sir!" I smiled and Kiyoko smiled and bowed her head. We walked to the gates of school together with little words passed between us. "Man, I'm tired." I yawned and reached for the sky. "Mhm. Hey (y/n), you like Asahi right." she stated more than asked. I blushed bright red and nodded slightly. She made a small "Hmm" sound and nodded. "You should try to tell him your feelings (Y/n)." she states and turned to walk home. "K-kiyoko!" I blushed but saw she wasn't around anymore. Still blushing I started on my way home.
~~~Time Skip to the next morning~~~
I groggily lugged myself out of bed, tired from the lack of sleep I had gotten. I had stayed up almost all night packing my bags with all of the layers I would need for the snow. I threw on my last jacket and dashed out the door with my bag for the weekend. When I arrived at the school only a few boys where there. "(Y/NNNNNNNN)!!!" one of the few that were there was Nishinoya. You loved that bundle of energy, but not this early in the morning. "Hey Noya-senpai." I waved tired as his eyes lit up and he enveloped me in a hug. "T-that's right (Y-Y/n)-chan! I'm your senpai!" I could feel him crying of happiness onto my jacket. I laughed at his reaction. I may have been a year older, but he was an inch or two taller and I knew how he reacted to being called senpai. "Noya, leave (Y/n) alone. She looks tired." Daichi called to the Libero and smiled warmly at me. "Hello (y/n)! How is your morning." I saw Suga wave from around the bus we were taking. "Hey Suga, my morning has been fine." I walked up and he welcomed me with a warm hug. "How is my beautiful goddess this morning!" I turned around to see Tanaka walking up with his stuff. "Tanaka, if you keep hitting on our managers I'll send you to the back of the bus." Coach Ukai said as he packed everyone's bags into the bus. Tanaka just stuck his tongue out and went to grab other's bags. I giggled at Tanaka's reaction and shook my head. I was now fully awake because of these volleyball losers. "H-hey (y/n)..." I heard a soft voice to my side and jumped. Asahi was standing there looking frightened at my sudden movement, "When did he get there! I must be less awake than I thought." I blushed and apologized to him for jumping. "I-It's fine, most people do." he waves his hands trying to clear the air of this tension. " I laughed nervously and we stood in awkward silence for a minute. "Asahi, get over here and help!" Ukai shouted over to us after a few minutes. "I-I have to go now." Asahi pointed to the bus and walked away slowly. "Way to go (Y/n), mess up everything!" I mentally slapped myself as I climbed the stairs to sit on the bus. I took my seat and a few minutes later everyone piled in and sat in their seats. Asahi climbed up the stairs last and thats when I noticed, the only seat left was the one beside me. I could see in Tanaka's grin that it was all planned. I blushed and looked out the window as he took a seat next to me. "Okay guys, the bus trip is going to last a total of five hours so try not to drive me crazy." Coach Ukai crossed his arms and took his seat next to Takeda-sensei. "I tend to fall asleep during long car rides so I'm sorry if I...." Asahi trailed off at the end of his sentence and a new light pink blush dusted his cheeks. I giggled and took out my earbuds, "It's fine Asahi, no worries. I have a bad habit of falling asleep during car rides too." I laughed under my breath and took out my phone, plugging my headphones into it. I put one into my ear and tapped the taller boy next to me on the shoulder, offering the other one to him. He smiled down at me and gladly took it and placed it in his ear. I made sure the volume was lower than I usually had it and chose a song that I thought wouldnt scare Asahi. My music library was a mess, everything from Twenty One Pilots to Nicki Minaj to The Amity Affliction.  So i chose a Twenty One Pilots album to start on instead of anything to crazy. I stared out the window and hummed along with the song and closed my eyes, muttering lyrics every now and then. I was enjoying myself, until I realized I needed to see if Asahi like it or not. I turned my head to look at him, he had his head leaned onto the top of the seat behind us and was smiling sweetly with his eyes closed. I smiled at this and stared a little longer at him in his relaxed state. The more I stared the more tired I could feel my eyes becoming. I stifled a yawn and stretched my arms up, then leaned my head onto Asahi's shoulder. I could feel him tense a little at the contact, and felt his head pick itself up from its reclined position. I glanced up at his reaction and could see the slight pink blush that had formed all over his face. I went to lift my head from this position when Asahi gently leaned his head slightly on mine. My eyes widened in surprise but I stopped trying to leave and just relaxed into his body and eventually fell asleep.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I mumbled something and lifted it groggily. It was a photo from Tanaka. Confused, I opened it and immediately blushed. It was a picture of me and Asahi leaning on each other asleep. His hand was placed on my thigh and I had wrapped my arms around the one of his closest to me. I quickly saved the photo and locked my phone again. I heard a quiet grumble and felt Asahi shift slightly closer to me, still asleep. His large hand was still placed on my thigh and I felt him give it a gentle squeeze while he was getting comfortable again in his sleep. I squeaked slightly and heard him mumble something under his breath that sounded like my name. He than sat up completely and swelled up, taking in a giant breath into his lungs. His eyes fluttered open, a strand of his brown hair fell into his face as he turned towards me. His eyes widened and he lifted his hand from my thigh to point out the window, "(Y/n), look!" he smiled in excitement, "Snow!" He then let his hand fall back to my thigh and he gave it an excited squeeze. I blushed and looked out the window at the white blanketing the earth. I heard him gasp and removed his hand quickly from my thigh. He turned my face towards his bright red cheeks and started repeating apology after apology. I giggled under my breath and placed my hand on his thigh and gently squeezed his muscly leg, "It's okay Asahi." I blushed lightly at my own actions, but the ace's face was lit up red like a Christmas tree. "A few more minutes guys." Ukai calls back to the team, snapping my attention away from my hand on Asahi's thigh. "W-well we're here." Asahi lightly places his hand on top of mine and looked the other way. I smiled and glided my thumb back and forth across his thigh slightly. "Y-yeah, we are. Are you ready?" I asked and stared out at the snow. "Yeah, I think so. Just stat out of Tanaka and Noya's snow ball fight." he chuckled and squeezed my hand, encasing my smaller hand in his big warm one. "Alright guys, lets unload the bus and start our off time." Coach Ukai parked and opened the doors, "Shit it's cold." we all heard his curse under his breath. We all laughed at the coach and unloaded. "(Y/n) and Kiyoko, you guys are sharing a room next to the one the boys are in." Takeda smiled at ys. "Don't let them do anything to you guys." Ukai laughed and Takeda blushed and hit Ukai in the shoulder, "Don't scare them!" I laughed and told them I wouldn't let them do anything to Kiyoko or me. Ukai nodded and we all moved in to our rooms.

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