Winter Time

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(Y/n) P.O.V

"Winter, my least favorite time of year. It's waaaay too cold." I grumbled into my scarf and sigh. "I-It's not that bad." My boyfriend Asahi reached out and took my cold hand in his huge warm one. I huddled closer into his warmth as we walked home from school, snow falling around us and wind blowing my hair around.
~~~Time Skip~~~
We arrived at Asashi's house when the wind started picking up. We stepped inside and heard his mother call to him "Asahi, is that you?" "Yes mother, I'm home and so is (y/n)." he said as we walked down the hall towards the kitchen. "Oh hello (y/n)!" she smiled at me and hugged me. "My dear, you're so cold!" she exclaimed and wrapped me in another hug. "Asahi! How could you let (y/n) get so cold!" Asahi blushed and turned the tea kettle on. He walked towards me and his mom and wrapped his arms around both of us. "I didn't mean to! S-she just came in from outside with me, so maybe that's why shes so cold. I'll make some tea to warm her up!" Asahi blushed and let go of the two of us. "I'll go grab you a blanket dear." Asahi's mother walked out of the room, leaving me and the gentle giant alone. "I-I'm sorry (f/n), I d-didn't know you w-were that cold." he came away from the stove and wrapped me in a warm hug. "It's fine Asahi, just don't let me go." I snuggled further into his chest and felt him rest his head on mine. "I won't." he whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him. "Awww, you guys are so cute." his mother came around the corner smiling at us. Asahi jumped and let go, his whole face bright red. "I'll finish making the tea Asahi, you just go and warm poor (y/n) up!" she said and threw the blanket over his head. "O-okay mom." his face still red, he took my hand and lead me out of the kitchen and towards his room. We walked into his room and I ran and jumped into the covers on his bed. "Asahiiiiiii come join meeee." I said and reached a hand out towards my tall, glass hearted giant. A blush tinged his cheeks as he walked over to the bed and crawled in under the covers with me. I scooted closer to his warmth and snuggled into his side. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. He sighed in content and rested his forehead on mine. I ran my fingers through his hair and untied his bun. He brought his hand to my cheek and stroked it softly. I nuzzled into his hand and leaned forward to peck him on the lips. He smiled a little and closed the gap between our lips again. I ran my fingers through his hair again earning a quiet moan from Asahi. He blushed and pulled away from our kiss. "Oooh Asahi, we've been together since our first year in high school and you're still so cute and shy." I giggled and kissed his forehead. "I-I don't want to be cute and shy any more (y/n)..." Asahi whispered and pulled closer to him, "I want to kiss you in public and not be embarrassed to do it. I want to have the courage to do all sorts of things with and for you b-b-but-" "Shhhhh. Asahi, you're perfect the way you are. I love you the way you are." I places my hands on his cheeks and ran my thumbs across them. "I-I love you t-too (y/n)." he stuttered and kissed me again, full of passion this time and not the normal timid kisses he gave me usually. He poked at my lip with his tongue hesitantly. I smiled at his attempt to take control and opened my mouth to let him in. He explored my mouth at a slow timid pace. I licked his tongue and twisted them together, hearing another muffled moan from Karasuno's ace. His arms pulled me closer to him and entangled his hand in my hair. I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling the warmth of his body seep into mine. He rolled over so he was on top of me and held himself up so he wouldn't squish me under him. We pulled away from our kiss panting and having a tinge of pink across our cheeks. He smiled down at me through his  mop of brown hair hanging down. "When I said warm her up I didn't mean that Asahi." Asahi jumped and rolled off the side of the bed, "M-m-mom!" he yelped and erupted into another blush. "Oh my god Asahi! I was kidding! No need to scare your poor girlfriend like that!" she started laughing at her son clutching her stomach. "The tea is ready you two." she managed to get out these words between her laughs. "I'll leave you two alone so Asahi can get everything back together again." she said as she walked back down the hallway. "Asahi are you alright?!" I asked and rolled over to face him sitting on the ground. "Y-y-yeah, I-I'm fine." he said still slightly shaking. "You're okay Asahi, here." I said and handed him a hair tie. He kept trying to put his hair up but his hands kept fumbling around and dropping the hair tie. "Let me do it." I said and picked up the hair tie from the ground. "Turn around." I instructed and started untangling his hair with my fingers. He gave another quiet moan when I ran my fingers through his hair again. "So that's your kink." I said teasing the boy. "W-w-what!?" he stuttered and blushed again. "I'm kidding dearest." I said as I finished putting his hair up. I patted the top of his head and gave it a quick kiss before I jumped off the bed and reached my hand out to him. "Let's go get some tea." I smiled as he took my hand and stood up. "O-okay (f/n)." he said and we walked down the hallway to join his mother who was still giggling about earlier.

Haikyu Asahi Azumane x reader one shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя