"But, why?"

"Because- just don't okay."

"Is is because I'm gay?"

Louis eyes went wide, he then looked away again, "no it's not. I just don't want to associate myself with you."

"But why? Is it because I'm do forward? Do I intimidate you?"

"No. You're annoying. And now you're being unnecessarily annoying."

"I'm sorry... I'm just trying to be your friend."

"I don't want any friends."


"I don't need to tell you. I don't even have to be talking to you, leave me alone."

"I just-"

"Just shut up. I don't want to be friends with you, I don't have to answer your stupid fucking questions okay." Louis snapped, his voice a little loud, drawing attention from a few students.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Dun looked up from his computer.

"No, sorry." Harry answered.

Louis glared at Harry.

At lunch Harry poked at his food.

"What's wrong, mate?"

"Louis rejected me."

"What'd you expect?"

"I don't know, for him not to be so damn rude."

Niall sighed, "sorry."

"Not you're fault that he's an asshole." Harry grumbled, taking a sip of the shitty school water.

"Oh well... Hey, how far are you guys on the essay thing?"


"Seriously?! How?"

"Louis did it yesterday."

"Lucky... Zayn isn't doing shit."

"Well at least Zayn likes you."

Niall's face went red, "shut up. I- I like Liam."

"You can like more than one person, idiot. You like Zayn too. I can tell. Don't lie to me." Harry smirked.

"Shut it."

Niall and Harry sat alone at lunch. No matter how many friends Harry had, he would always stay with Niall. Niall was his only 'real' friend, the only friend he could confide it. They sat in the corner of the lunch room, there were many empty tables around them, because most students left the school for lunch.

"I'm bored." Harry sighed, pushing away his food.

"You hardly ate."

"I'm not hungry... Let's go to Starbucks."

"You'll owe me for gas money."

"Whatever, lets go."

"Why don't you have your own car?"

"My mum doesn't trust me yet," Harry rolled his eyes, "it's so fucking stupid." Harry groaned in frustration.

"I don't blame her, you know."

"Shut it, Neil. You're not helping."

Niall huffed, "Ass. I should just leave you here and get Starbucks for myself"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Do you want to try me?" Niall challenged.

"No. Please? I need my caffeine. I have art and Louis sits right next to me. I'm going to end up saying something stupid, or something I regret."

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