Chapter Ten | 1980 | Promise

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Chapter Ten



Sun rose between the hills surrounding Godric's hollow, spilling into the folds and crevices, lighting everything up slowly. Every leaf gained new meaning, each flower petal achieved a higher rank of beauty; each blade of grass stood straighter and the people living within the hollow began to stir.

In Potter house love blossomed, pouring from James and Lily into the infant in their arms; only hours old and already they couldn't seem to let him go.

"Oh isn't he sweet!" Katherine Potter cooed, tickling grandson's chin. "He looks just like you already Jamie."

Smiling softly down at his son, James gave Lily a gentle yet loving squeeze "Unfortunately," he joked "but he has Lily's eyes."

"He'll be so handsome," said the proud Grandmother, then coughed "I'll leave, I feel a fit brewing. See you two in a bit." Moving out of the room, they could hear Katherine's wheezy breathe as she continued down the stairs.

Gazing down at his son, James felt a wave of relief - he'd been terrified that something would happen and he'd never reach this day. Lily could have lost the baby; either of them could have been killed...they had fought so hard to have this blissful golden day.

"I'm worried for her," said Lily quietly, stroking her son's satiny cheek. "She looked very pale, so thin...and Patrick's death took such a toll on her..."

Pressing his lips to her temple, James pushed his worries for Katherine away - he wanted to think of the wee child in his wife's arms, tiny and perfect in every way "Don't think of any of that, it's our day. We've waited so long to meet him, and I'm just happy Mum got to meet him too."

Lily was about to reply when the bedroom door opened, and Sirius poked his head in, grinning foolishly at them. "Hey you two," he said, voice low "I just went out to get these." He held up a bunch of lily of the valley, dirt still clinging to the roots.

Frowning, Lily shifted to get more comfortable "Are those from my garden Sirius?"

He scoffed "Of course not, they're from the neighbours." Sitting down at the end of the bed, Sirius studied the small bundle in Lily's arms "Is that..."

"Your Godson." James beamed proudly, taking his son from Lily's arms "Would you like to hold him?"

"Oh, I don't know-"

"C'mon Sirius," Lily encouraged "You'll be fine."

Taking the swaddled child from James, Sirius held his godson gently, terrified that he might break the fragile creature. "What're you naming him?" he asked quietly, gaze locked on the tiny person in his arms.

"Harry James." Said Lily, smiling up at her husband "My favourite name and his Daddy's."

Chuckling, Sirius traced a finger down the baby's nose "Isn't it illegal for people like you to be daddy's, Prongs?"

Shaking his head, James held Lily close "Its life changing Sirius, just you wait till you have one of your own."

"Oh yeah? Like that'll ever happen." Sirius handed Harry back to Lily "He's...he's perfect, thank you for...for...I guess including me."

"Of course Padfoot, we'd never dream of making anyone else Harry's godfather." James got up to hug his best friend "You'll be very important to him, I know it."

Nodding, Sirius stood and smiled at the young parents "I'll leave you three alone, do you mind if I crash downstairs?"

"Not at all," Lily waved her hand at him absentmindedly, quickly absorbed with studying her son "Our home is your home, Sirius."

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