Chapter Four | 1974 | A Favour

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Chapter Four


A Favour



            “Look out – ouch, that’s okay Pettigrew – Tillman, watch what you’re – Ms. Kensington are you all right? Yes I know I didn’t expect – BLACK WATCH WHAT YOU ARE DOING! A WAND IS NOT A BATON! YOU ARE A STUDENT, NOT A BABOON.”

Professor Flitwick sighed and slumped against his desk, letting out a squeak like moan. He’d always cringed whenever realising it was the time of year to teach the fourth years summoning and banishing spells; each year he learned it was never going to get better. He used pillows, the softest object he could think of that still were large enough to summon and deflect…yet every year it went horribly wrong, just like the year before that.

He’d already had to send Theo Haggard and Adelaide Hendricks to the Hospital wing, and he foresaw many more visits in the next few lessons. Flicking through his notes, he sighed; if they could just skip this whole unit he’d feel much better.

At the other end of the room the four Marauders were attempting to banish their pillows with no luck. Well, Remus had been banishing and summoning for the last two classes, unable to help feeling smug as his classmates repeatedly hit their own heads with large pillows.

“It’s – not – funny!” grimaced Sirius, swatting at his pillow, which had taken upon itself to hit him over the head continually. “Remus!”

With a flick of Remus’ wand the pillow fell to the floor, and although Sirius was grateful, he sent his friend a glare as he sank to the floor, breathing heavily.  “Pillows suck Merlin’s unwashed knickers.” He announced “So do summoning charms.”

“And banishing!” put in James, who was having trouble even getting his pillow to move. This may be because Lily Evans was a little ways off, practising her charm and executing it flawlessly, as always. She also happened to be wearing a uniform skirt that seemed just a little shorter than it usually was.

As he was staring at Lily, James didn’t notice as he waved his wand and for the first time successfully summoned his pillow – only to have it slam right into his own face.

Lying flat on the floor, he let out a sigh. Sirius’ own face hovered over him, grinning “Sorry James, accidentally hit you with the pillow.”

“You mean I didn’t summon it?” he asked wearily.

Sirius shook his head “Nope, sorry mate.”

It was then that Professor Flitwick clapped his hands wearily and mounted his stack of books “Okay class, time to go…we’ll see how it goes next class…”

With those words the pillows disappeared and the fourth years filed out, hanging their heads and completely exhausted. The lunch bell rang, and soon the halls were full of students rushing down to the great hall.

The marauders gathered together near the end of the table and began to discuss the day’s events so far, and gripe over the stupid summoning charm.

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