Chapter Nine | 1979 | Surprise

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Chapter Nine




            The first snow of the year drifted down from the sky, a knitted mass of woolly grey. It was early morning in Potter house; in the master bathroom Lily Potter sat on the bath mat, her head between her knees.

“Shit.” She whispered, staring down at it between her feet. It mocked her, all cheery and slim – she should throw it out, she knew that. Yet…Lily couldn’t bring herself to throw it out, not yet. Then she giggled ‘This is all very Muggle of me,’ she thought, then sobered. She was so screwed.

There were small morning noises from the bedroom, and Lily froze. James was awake; she could hear him stretching beneath their duvet – the duvet they’d chosen together. They’d chosen the bathroom tiles and towels and oh the curtains; they really did look a little pee coloured. Didn’t even match the rest of the bathroom, for Merlin’s sake!

Ohh.” She moaned, putting her head back between her knees.

“Lily?” James’ voice came from the bedroom, and again she froze “You okay?”

Scrambling up, Lily panicked as she tried to find a place to put it. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You coming back to bed?” he called just as she wrapped it in tissue and threw it in her cosmetics bag.

“Erm, yeah! Just a sec.”

Facing herself in the mirror, Lily took a deep breathe. She had to go out there and face her husband, to either tell him or act like nothing had happened. Maybe a bit of both.

“Suck it up, Potter.” She said, smiling briefly at her new surname – well, not that new. They’d been married in early August, it was November now.

With one last look in the mirror, Lily left the bathroom and climbed back into bed beside James. He turned and gave her that look that made her heart melt; those hazel eyes and that smile, just a little crooked…Lily would do anything for this man.

“Will you ever get tired of this?” she asked, biting her lip nervously.

“Of loving you?” he whispered, smiling sleepily and pulling her closer “Never ever, ever.”

Her hands trailed down his bare chest, and she avoided his eyes “Even if things change?”

James nodded “Even if things change, yeah. And hey – I’m supposed to be the one who is afraid of this stuff. You’re the catch my love, did you forget that?”

“I…no. I just…there’s something I need to tell you, that’s all.” She smiled briefly up at him.

James frowned slightly, which somehow made him look all the more handsome in his sleepy stupor “What’s going on Lily? You’re worrying me.”

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