Chapter Three | 1973 | Chances

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            The green houses at Hogwarts were always fascinating, and one crisp November afternoon the third year Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students made their way down to them.

Professor Bumbly met them in front of green house two, but directed them over to the third greenhouse; this caused excited chatter to break out among the students, as they’d only ever worked in greenhouse one and two before.

Once inside they donned their smocks and Professor Bumbly lined them up, looking over them and thinking “Okay everyone, time to set you up. Professor Slughorn and I are working on a joint project with you for the next few classes. In pairs you will grow a wild Rifikulous fungi in my class, then use that fungi in your potions class. If not grown correctly your glomelous potion with backfire, and you will not pass your project. Now-” she smiled at them and scanned her list “Let’s start with putting you in pairs!”

Surveying the room, she started calling out names. “Avery and Langen – Olsen are you in Gryffindor? Alright then, you go with Pettigrew. Lupin and Black – don’t look so pleased!- and…Potter and Evans -”

It went on, but James wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t often he got to be paired with Lily, but every time he was he seemed to mess it up! Lily made him nervous he’d realized; around her he couldn’t help but show off, talk a little too loudly, a little too fast. He was clumsy, distracted; he’d use the wrong ingredient or trip over something. Quidditch was difficult when he knew were she sat in the stands, so he tried his best not to notice.

This was his chance to how her that he wasn’t all bad, nor stupid or clumsy or just…just that he’d like to be friends.

Confident with his plan, he made his way over to her, smiling in what he hoped wasn’t an arrogant way. “Hey Evans!” he said, sidling up to her “Ready to work?”

Not looking at him, Lily flipped through her text book “Sure Potter, you mean I’ll do the work so you don’t mess it up? In that case, yes – I’m very ready.”

Frowning, James shook his head “No, I’m going to help -”

Shutting the book forcefully, Lily smiled tightly “Look Potter, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it covered.”


“It’s time to go, but I’ll come by later to collect a sample of your hand writing. I haven’t completely gotten your r’s and j’s down yet.”

With that she picked up her books and left the green house, long red hair swinging behind her.

Standing as if rooted to the ground, James watched her go.

“You okay mate?” Sirius asked, coming up to him with Remus and Peter “You look a little, I dunno…”

“Shaken up.” Supplied Remus.

Sirius nodded “Yeah-”

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