Chapter Six | 1976 | Distress

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Chapter Six



            The Great Hall was loud with the clink of cutlery and talk, students tired and excited over the Quidditch match that had occurred earlier that day. Gryffindor had beat Slytherin, giving the majority of the hall something to celebrate.

“-and that catch, it was brilliant!” gushed Frederica Prelim, hand inching up James’ thing “I mean, you’re just so talented-”

“Yeah, thanks.” James said briskly, standing up. He’d spotted Lily leaving the hall, looking distraught; Snape had been following her, looking almost as angry as James now felt.

“Oi, were you going?” Sirius called, pulling Jessica Kensington closer so she practically sat on his lap.

James went on his tip toes “Be back in a sec.”

With that he left he hall, barely noticing the calls of compliments and hello’s, aiming for the door. Looking back and forth, he listened for even the smallest of sounds.

Turning left, he walked down the hall, listening hard. Stopping just before a classroom, its door open halfway, James pressed up against the wall to hear what was going on.

“…Go away Severus.” He heard Lily say, voice tight. “I told you – we’re not friends anymore.”

“But I’m sorry about what I said,” Snape pleaded “I didn’t meant it, honest!”

“And I told you that it’s not just about what you said!” Lily said sharply, and even James winced, even though it wasn’t directed at him. Lily could be scary when she was mad. “I don’t like what you’ve become, or who you hang out with – they aspire to be death eaters, Severus!”

James heard shuffling, and he peeked into the room to see what was going on. Lily had turned so she no longer faced the door or Severus, and Snape was staring at her back.

“It’s not that bad.” He said lowly “It doesn’t mater though, Lily – please, can’t we just -”

“No, we can’t!” she cried, spinning around, hair spiralling out like fire intending to burn “The parents of those people, other Death Eaters – they kill people, Severus. Our classmates families have been murdered by those people; Amiee Crespo, Cleo Nixon, Bettie Olsen-and that’s just the Ravenclaws of our year! My friend Samantha Clearwater’s father was murdered just last Tuesday – by the father of one of the boys you hang out with!”

Standing stiffly, Severus’ face was blank “I’m not them, Lily.” He reached out for her, but Lily pulled away.

“Don’t touch me!” she cried.

Reaching for her again, Severus looked desperate “Lily-”

“Don’t – touch – me!” yelling now, Lily struggled in his grip, and James saw fear flash in her eyes.

Stepping into the room, James held his wand within the folds of his robes “Oi let her go, Snape.”

Look turning murderous, Severus sneered at him, grip still tight on Lily’s arms “Oh go away Potter, she’s not any happier to see you than me.”

Voice lowering to a growl, James raised his wand “Let her go, I don’t want to hurt you, Snape. Really.”

Snorting, Severus’ finger dug into Lily’s arms so hard she cried out, tears pouring down her face “Since when do you not want to hurt me?”

“Since you’re holding Lily, it’s her I don’t want to hurt. But if you harm her in any way…” he shrugged “We’ll see.”

“Go away Potter, no one wants you here so just-” Lily was sobbing by now, and James cut him off.

“Impedimenta!” he cried, pointing his wand at Severus so he fell to the floor, struggling as if held by invisible ropes. James caught Lily as she collapsed, holding her to his chest. Propping her up against one of the desks, he leaned down close to Severus’ face and whispered low enough that Lily couldn’t hear “If I ever see you touch her again, I’ll rip out your organs.” He hissed.

Standing, he put an arm around Lily and led her out of the room, turning off the lights and closing the door. “C’mon,” he said, heading for a side door out of the school. Lily was gasping now, clinging to James’ Quidditch robes with all her might. They collapsed on a bench just outside, sheltered by a towering rose bush climbing over a lattice.

“Are you okay?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

Lily smiled tearfully at him “Yeah, I just…thanks for that. For saving me.”

He shrugged “No problem.” They sat in silence for a couple minutes, James’ arm still around her. “Should we…?”

Shaking her head, Lily sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder “Can we just sit for a little longer – please?”

Nodding quietly, James hugged her gently, smiling just a little.

A/N: Aw :3

Question: What's been your favourite Jily moment so far?


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