Guns For Hands

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(This is almost the end for this book, I have decided to make it 2 parts cause I made this one way too long already and I'm not even close to finishing the book with this one chapter. Oh well, You guys get one more chapter after this one. You don't have to cry when you see the notification for now.)

Jeff's POV:

I didn't feel like dealing with Masky when he called on Ben's phone, I should have told him Ben was dead or something

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I didn't feel like dealing with Masky when he called on Ben's phone, I should have told him Ben was dead or something.

When I got back to my apartment, the first thing I did was go on my balcony and light a cigarette. I just wanted my life to back to the way it was, before all this shit happened. I just want to sit on the couch and play video games with Ben like I used to, but I can't at the moment because Ben is in a coma and it's not fun to play Mario Cart or Mario Power Tennis on Wii by yourself.

I didn't even notice the house phone going off while I smoking but I realized at the last second it was. I threw the cigarette off the balcony and went to check who was calling.

When I got to the phone I noticed the hospital called. I started panicking, was Ben awake or was he dead?! Please tell me he isn't dead! They left a voicemail and clicked play.

"We're here to inform you that Benjamin has woken up from his coma, since visiting hours are over, you can come tomorrow to see him," the voicemail explained.

I started crying, my Ben has finally woken up. I could finally see him smile again.

Liu's POV:

My brother must be happy that Ben woke up

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My brother must be happy that Ben woke up. His happiness won't last for long though, My brother will feel the pain of losing everyone you love. I shouldn't even call him my brother because he's worth way less then that to me. That thing isn't my brother anymore, my brother died along with my parents and me that day. I have no family.

That thing that possesses my brother's body isn't my brother... He's the one who killed my brother and my whole family and I will get revenge. I won't give up until I get it!

I walked over to the room with a bunch of weapons, I decided to grab a gun and a knife. This is what I'll kill him with, this is what I'll use to end both of their lives. I just need to find where they are right now.

I sent people to go look for them and I told the people I sent to not let anyone stand in their way of finding them. If someone did stand in their way, they would be destroyed.

Ben's POV:

I was laying in a hospital bed, scared for my life because that revenge seeking brother of Jeff's wants to destroy both of us

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I was laying in a hospital bed, scared for my life because that revenge seeking brother of Jeff's wants to destroy both of us. It was hard to think of anything when music is blasting everywhere.

"I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep"

"I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep"

"But I can't"

"But I can't"

"When you all have guns for hands"

I swear it repeats like a billion times. I was never fond of Twenty One Pilots. Their music is okay, I guess, it's not for me. I just had to lay in bed and listen to the music coming somewhere in the hospital.

After awhile something much louder was covering the music. People screaming. I jumped out of the hospital bed and ran to the computer.

Since technically I was a computer virus, I could go into the cyber realm any time I wanted, so I leave most of my swords there.

I reach into the computer and grab a random sword. My eyes started bleeding a deep red and I was changed into the clothes that resemble Link's.

The screams were coming closer to my hospital room. I kept my sword close to me. There was screaming everywhere. Is this some kind of attack? If it was, why a hospital? What psycho attacks sick people and people that help sick people get better?

Everything confuses me.

Link's POV (why not?):

Why are there so many pots around this damn hospital

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Why are there so many pots around this damn hospital... I'm going to get charged so much money cause I broke so many here already and I haven't even been here 5 minutes.

I only came here because I heard Ben was here from... I forgot who I heard it from. Whatever, I'm here, I don't know why Ben is here, but I'm here to visit him.

I was about to ask the lady at the desk what room Ben was in but I heard screaming. I ran into the hallway that I heard the screaming from and grabbed my sword from behind my back.

I looked around the hallway and saw blood everywhere. Why would someone kill in a hospital... What if they were going after Ben?

I kept running down the hallway until I noticed 2 guys in all black. They were about to open a door to a hospital room. Before they could, I sliced them with a sword.

I opened the door to see Ben pointing his sword at me.

"DON'T STAB ME!!! I'M STILL A VIRGIN!" I screamed.

"Virgin my ass!" He laughed.

"Fine, that part was a lie but don't kill me! I'm like your brother," I cried.

"No you're not! Actually... I don't know where my actual brother is... He's probably dead.... Oops," he shrugged.

"I killed the guys that were in black and almost went in your room! I saved your life! You owe me!" I yelled.

"Guys in black?" He asked

To be continued in the next part.

It's... Complicated (Jeff x Ben)Where stories live. Discover now