Just Give Me A Reason

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I had really bad writers block, I had 100000 projects to do at the end of the school year, and I was really lazy. Since it's summer, I'll probably update more.


I guess I "died" again because I'm back in that same fucking dark room with fucking Liu AGAIN! I swear Jeff is probably freaking the fuck out right now.

"Yes Ben, my dear brother is freaking out" assured Liu.

"How the fuck can you read my mind?!" I yelled.

"Simple, I took control of you" proclaimed Liu.

"Why do you keep doing this to me?" I asked.

"Cause I can use you to get revenge on my brother" stated Liu.

"What the fuck did he do this time?" asked I.

"Well someone likes swearing" smirked Liu.

"Just let me leave" yelled I.

"After... Jeff is dead" smiled Liu

Jeff POV:

I went to go check on Ben, he usually never got up this late. When I walked into his room and I found him, not breathing, laying on his bed.

"Ben!" I screamed, "Ben wake up please!!"

I was crying and shaking Ben's lifeless body. He had to wake up, he just had to.

I grabbed Ben's body and carried him to my car. I drove the fastest I could to get him to the hospital, hoping that there was a chance that he would wake up.


It's... Complicated (Jeff x Ben)Where stories live. Discover now