I Spun the Bottle: Chapter Five

Start from the beginning

                “It’s pretty out tonight.” I whispered, looking up once again at the starry night.

                “Yeah, I guess so. I don’t pay much attention to the sky.” He shrugged, glancing up at the sky too.

                “Mm, I guess guys don’t care about pretty things.” I murmured, feeling the buzz starting to die down. I could feel a forming headache taking over the light as a feather feeling.

                 “Sure we do. I care about pretty girls.” He smirked, causing me to give him a slight eye roll.

                 “That so does not count. I care about pretty guys too.” I answered, thinking about all the cute celebrities I’ve had a crush on since I was about a six-year-old girl.

                 “Ahh, well I’m glad you care about me.”

                 It took me a moment to realize what he meant by that, but I lightly shoved him to the side when it dawned to me. “Ha ha, very funny,”

                 I used my hands to rub my temples, my head was starting to kill me, and I doubted that Jace carried around aspirin on him.

                “Are you sobering up?”

                “Yeah, I think so. My head is pounding like….like someone banging on drums.” I said, trying to think of something to compare to my pulsing head.

                “Darn too bad, I was starting to like the mellower Lyn,” he teased, muffling my dark hair.

                I grunted in agreement, but couldn’t find anything else to say. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them, hoping it would calm my head down a little. It didn’t work, and I was starting to feel nauseous.

                 “Do you want to go back? I think one of the girls should have some Advil or something with them.” Jace suggested, nudging me with his shoulder.

                 “Mmm, no, I don’t want to go back.” I replied hastily, but my words sounded muffled against my knees.

                “If you say so. I’m fine with just staying with you here.” He teased again, and a small laugh managed to escape my lips.

                “Stop making me laugh, it hurts.”

                “Sorry,” he apologized, “How about a massage?”

                “No, I’m fine. I just need to rest for a bit—Hey!” I nearly jumped when I felt his hands touch the back of my neck. I pulled his hand off my neck and frowned. “I said its okay.”

                “Nobody ever rejects someone like me when I offer a massage.” He returned my frown, feigning hurt in his eyes.

                “I just did.”

                 “I realize that.” He rolled his eyes, grabbing one of his curls in his hand again.

                 The conversation died down after that. I concentrated on my aching head while Jace just sat there next to me, quietly. It was strange how he was staying near me, while the others were partying as if there was no tomorrow. I lifted my head ever so slightly so I could see how the party was doing. We were pretty far from the blazing bonfire, so the only thing I could make out was the shadowed figures dancing around it. On the other hand, I could hear the noise clearly. There was laughing, giggling, and shouting— definitely lots of shouting.

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