Chapter 4 - The Boys

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I could see the excitement in his face as soon as the words left his mouth. Of course he was happy. He hadn't just had his memories taken away from him because of some ridiculous car crash. I had no choice. I had to go home with Nathan. 

He lead me out of the hospital to his car. The walk was rather awkward and neither of us really knew what to say. There was still so much I wanted to ask him but I didn't want him to feel bombarded with my questions. He opened the car door for which I'll admit was incredibly cute but that still didn't change the  fact that I really didn't want to go home with him. He walked round to the drivers side and got in, starting the car engine.



"How long was I in the hospital?"

"Only for a few hours, you regained conciousness pretty fast."

"Where are we?" I know it sounded like stupid question but I had no idea where I was.

"London" He replied with a little laugh.

"How long have I, I mean we lived in London for?"

"Well you moved here with me when we were 16. We moved from Gloucester which is where we were both born. We were childhood friends untill we started dating but then I auditioned to be in a band and when I found out I was in, it meant I had to move to London and you wanted to come with me."

"Why did I want to come with you?" 

"Well not only were we dating, you were a writer. You wrote songs and thought it would be a great oppurtunity to get into to the music buisness."

"Did I?"

"Yes, actually you started writing some songs for our band which we recorded and they soon became number 1 hits across the world."

"Hang on a minute." What he just said had actually just left me kind of startled. Not just about me writing songs but they went number 1 worldwide which could only mean one thing.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"If the songs were number 1 across the world, then that must mean..." I paused as I collected my thoughts on how to phrase what I was about to say next. "It must mean that, you're band is famous?" He laughed at what I just said which made me think I was wrong, I then felt stupid for bringing it up until he replied.

"Yes , you're right" He smiled.

"So, you're famous?" I asked to which he replied with a simple nod. I couldn't believe it. I mean I couldn't believe alot of things right now like the fact that I had written songs that were number 1 across the world or that I was a even a writer but to be told that was shocking. I tried to take it in. I had to keep repeating the sentence 'I have a famous boyfriend' in my head but it just didn't set. 

He then went on to tell me about his band. They were called The Wanted and consisted of him and four other members. He said the other members were called Jay, Max, Tom and errm Siva I think? He told me how they had started out small in the UK with their first song 'All Time Low' and once they released 'Glad You Came' that's when they started to be known more globally. 

I realised I was starting to day dream and kind of stopped listening to what he was saying. I was soon snapped out my daydream as the car came to a hault. I looked out of the window to see a rather extravagant and grand looking house. It was absoloutely massive, like what you'd see in a film. I examined it's appearance. It was a light shade of cream and had about twenty windows on the front of the house alone. I then looked to the side of the house and noticed an outdoor pool and hot tub. I was speechless, was this really my home? I then noticed four boys come running out of the front door and towards the car.

"Who are they?" I asked Nathan as I turned towards him.

"It's the boys." He replied with a smile.

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