Chapten Ten

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Riley sat up a few minutes after Eli was trying to break us out. He was mostly aiming for me. He wanted to kill me. I would not let that happen. He couldn't do it. I could see it in his eyes. Something was telling him to stop. My eye could see that he was nervous and tensed up by his heat waves.

Bry, Riley said in my mind, he's really going to kill you.

I shook my head. "No, he's not. He's nervous."

Eli looked up, noticing my mouth moving. He pressed a button and a glass door slid open in our cage. He walked inside. "Hello, Breili."

Rilely stood up. He was weak, but strong enough to show that he was furious.

I gulped, clenching and unclenching my fists. "Hello, Eli."

He grinned. "I see your neck has healed up."

I brought my hand up to my neck, touching the scar. "Yeah. Thanks for the scar. Makes me look pretty tough, right?"

He laughed. "Oh, very scary." The sarcasm in his tone made me a little mad.

Riley ran up to up and pushed him down. "You do not get anywhere near my sis-" Eli punched in him in the nose and Riley was knocked out.

My mouth dropped. "Hey!"

"I have a job to finish. And he would make it longer." He pushed Riley away and stood up straight. "Now, if you don't do anything stupid, your death won't be as painful."

"Well, hold on." I put my index finger up. Then I started to pace a little. "I can sense when someone's nervous. You're nervous. Why are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous."

I smirked. "You're lying, Eli."

He blinked once. Then he darted after me. He was too slow. I had him in a head lock.

"Alright," I said, "I know you've been brainwashed. This isn't you, Eli."

"It is me. Now. You were gone. People change."

I punched him in the back of the head. He dropped onto the floor, unconscious. I hit him another time on the forehead, just to be safe.

Riley sat up. His nose was bleeding. My eye examined it with x-ray vision. Yep. His nose was broken. I took his hand. "Riley, I know you're hurting, but we need to go. Now. We need to go some place no one will track us down. I need to question Eli when he wakes up."

Riley nodded. He grabbed onto Eli and I flew to the two boys down. I coughed and I lost my flight for about two seconds. That was enough to put Riley into a panic mode.

Breili! Why'd you do that?! Come on!

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up! I'm sick, remember!"

Sorry. Hey, the door isn't too far now. Can I drop him into it? He may break a few bones, but he broke my nose? Plus, he's been a douche bag to you and I still wanna kick his -

"Riley! Just stop!"

We landed on the ground and I opened the door. A siren went off. "Damn!" I picked up Eli, throwing him over my shoulder. "Riley, we're gonna have to run."

Sounds good me, Little Sister. I haven't ran in a while.

We sprinted down the corridors. Robots started after us. I pulled out Eli's gun and tossed it to Riley. My elbow's machine gun wen't crazy, destroying a ton of the robots. We had to get out fast. More and more robots were closing in on us. The siren was getting louder. BEEP! BEEP! This is exactly what I need right now. My right ear seems like it could explode.

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