Chapter Five

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In August, I started my training. It wasn't that hard, actually. Well, it might've been. I don't know. Part of me says the guys who were training me went easy on me, and another part of me says I just really kicked some hardcore ass. Agent Lite was right. I am pretty strong and powerful. Those bad guys bettter be afraid of me. Otherwise, they've got it coming.

Over the month, I was spending more and more time at the agency. I lied to Dad saying I was at a friend's house to keep my cover. The only sad part of this was that I was losing more and more contact with my friends. Anakin and Sophia are still living at my house, they just have no idea that I'm sneaking out at night and going to the agency. During the day, I say I'm at work. I don't say which job, but they never ask.

Eli and I haven't talked since I sort of rejected him. Sometimes I think I broke his heart; other times I think he just wants some space. He comes over to the mansion every now and then, but it's when I'm about to leave for "work". He only talks with Anakin though. Sophia doesn't even know what's up with Eli because he won't talk to her.

Speaking of Sophia, she's got a crush on Mr. Blue. Ever since he quit smoking, he's been really...different. Not a bad different, but definitely different. I think he likes Sophia, too. But I suppose I'll never really know until I ask. Or they end up hooking up.

Spence has been coming over a lot, too. But to hang out with Anakin...which is odd. Spence doesn't normally date anyone. Then again, she is out of high school now. Meh. I can see her and Anakin together.

I think I'm beginning to morph into a robot since half of my brain is robotic. I'm losing emotions. I haven't been really emotional since that day when Cooper found me in Mom's office. I don't get angry, but I will fight people who mean harm to me. I don't really ever feel happy, but I will make a laugh and smile every now and then.

"Hey!" Anakin shouted at me as I was heading for the garage door.

I stopped as the palm of my hand touched the door knob. I turned around. "Hey!" I made my lips curl into a smile.

"Where are you going?"


"You've been working a lot. Don't you wanna hang or something?"

"I do, but I don't wanna get fired."

"Alright. Well, it's just Eli's coming over. He called me, saying he was in a great mood and wanted to hang."

I nodded. "Well, that's good for him."

"Please call and say you're sick?!" He got down on his knees and folded his hands together. "Please?! Do you know how much he misses you?"

I sighed and pulled out my phone. "Alright, alright." I called Agent Light and told him I needed some friend time. He said that was fine and that I did need a break.

I put my helmet back on the rack outside the garage door and looked at Anakin. "Ani, I'll stay. But you know it'll be awkward."

"But why haven't you talked to him?"

"I...I don't know. I just don't want to."

"What happened? He won't say it. Will you?"

I sighed. "Come on."

I walked as the floor carried him to the sun room. I sat down on a couch while he was on the other. "He kissed me, Ani."


"And said he loves me..."

He didn't seem to understand. "You've had the biggest crush on him ever since the group became...a group." His fingers interlocked like his fingers were the people of our group.

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