Chapter Fourteen: Lost

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The cold barrel of the gun was pressed to Catharine's forehead and her breath immediately hung in her chest. Then as he called her a murder a sickness came over her and the images of blood covered her mind. "I am not a murder," she said through her teeth.

"Oh? The police seem to think otherwise. Derrek Grotin? Yeah they think you killed him," Xavier explained still holding the gun to her head. 

"Come on, Xavier, put your gun down," Fee said stepping over Catharine.

"I'm not dropping this gun till you explain yourself," he said.

Catharine took in a deep staggered breath. "I'll tell you anything you want. You don't need to hold a gun to my head," she whispered.

Finally he let the gun drop in his hand. "What happened to your boyfriend?" he asked.

She raised her brows and then looked around the bar as everyone stared at her. Anxiety shook her body and answered, "He was hardly my boyfriend and it was either him or me."

"What happened?" he asked again.

She closed her eyes thinking back and wondered where to start. "He was just a guy who helped me. I was alone on the streets and he took me in. In return I did everything for him, but I started to realize I was actually trapped when he got abusive. Though I should've realized from the way he talked to me that I wasn't anything more than a slave to him."

"And he tried to kill you?" Xavier asked.

Her memory was thrown back to that night. Everything was dark, but that T.V. and the dim light over the oven.

The television that never shut off was loud and the man in the large pull out chair chugged at his beers he'd brought home after work still in his scrubs. He demanded a sandwich and had she just put mustard on at like "he said six times" then maybe she wouldn't have reached her breaking point.

He threw the dish at the leg that he helped heal a few years ago and with pain flaring through her body, it was almost a reflex as she reached for the lamp, that was never plugged in, and bashed it into his head. The glass base broke and fell in pieces to the floor. He laid on the floor, blood gushing to the carpet, with a large piece stuck to his neck.

She remembered the panic that blanketed her as she watched him try to fumble for his phone. That's when she impulsively kicked the shard deeper into his neck and then in the head till he stopped moving.

Relief took over as she stared at his dead body, tears of joy stinging her face till she looked at his limp hand, still on his pocket to reach for his phone. It was then she realized that she'd actually just killed someone and her body began to tremble.

She reached for his pocket and pulled out his phone and dialed 911 and as the lady came onto the phone asking what her emergency was when she pressed it off. She'd just killed someone and there was no way she was going to turn herself in. She was finally free.

And with her new found freedom, she ran.

Catharine nodded slowly to Xavier's question and then mumbled, "Yes. I needed to escape."

He grumbled, but accepted what she said. "I'm looking for a tall blonde guy and a girl who kind of looks like me," he said and pulled out his phone about to show her a picture.

"Nicholas and Xara," she whispered. It wasn't a question.

"Yeah. I need to know where they are. Are they OK?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, they're dead."

Xavier was quiet and Catharine could hear from behind her as Fee walked over and put her arms around him. A bit of jealousy flared in her belly, wanting to be the one to comfort him, but he knew all about her now, and it seemed he'd want nothing to do with her.

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