"What is it? And where's Kaien?!" he asked. The three's expression had a drop of guilt and worry added to their expressions.

"She was taken on our mission." Gaara's pen snapped as his fist clenched, and he took no notice as the ink oozed onto his hand. "It was a set up, an Akatsuki member was waiting for us, and trapped us. Kaien went with them willingly to stop him detonating his explosives, but he did anyway. Luckily Sena used her ice to protect us, and we got away." Asoba explained, and Gaara stood up.

"Sena, tell Temari to fill my duties while I'm gone. Asoba, I want you to show me exactly where she was taken." Gaara said, striding at a quick pace down the halls of the Kazekage building.

"Hai, Kazekage-sama." sena and Tetsuya left, while Asoba kept pace with Gaara.

"It was a few miles south of the village where we were sent originally, fairly close to Konoha, actually." Gaara nodded, breaking into a run as they exited Suna's borders.

* * *

"Tsunade-sama! There's another emergency request from Suna!" Shizune rushed in, and Tsunade sighed.

"Another one? Gaara seems to be needing a lot of help lately." Tsunade sighed; it was late at night and she was just about to turn in.

"Actually, this one was sent by Temari-sama. Gaara-sama was unavailable." Tsunade took the scroll, skim reading it'scontents, and gasped.

"Shizune! Assemble Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji and Shino and send them to the Dango village just north of the border! Kaien has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki! And by all means..." Tsunade's expression darkened. "Do NOT let Naruto know. It's most likely him they're after."

* * *

"Nee-chan's been kidnapped?! Those bastards, first Gaara, and now Kaien?!" Naruto hissed, hiding behind the tree. He had been on his way home from training: developing his change in chakra nature was a difficult thing to do, and seen Kiba, Shino, Neji and Shikamaru with Shizune at the gates, and listened in to their conversation.

"Naruto, I know you're there, come out." Neji said, and Naruto hissed, seeing the prominent veins around the Hyuuga's eyes. Damnit, he forgot about Neji's byakugan.

He came out of his hiding place, levelling a glare on Shizune.

"Why wasn't I told?! Kaien's my sister, and she could get hurt! And you decided to keep it from me?!" he growled, feeling the angry chakra seeping into his system.

"Because we knew you'd want to go, and they're just trying to lure you out! If you go, you'll be falling recklessly into their trap!" Shizune said, but Naruto shook his head angrily, his canines elongating and eyes burning red.

"I don't care! She's the only family I have left, I'm not sitting around while she's in danger!" he took off at a fast pace, ignoring the yells for him to stop. He had heard most of the mission briefing, so knew where he was going.

* * *

I glanced around the small room. It was my old bedroom. My things were even still in it, a few of my old clothes, my scrolls, my diary, and the framed photo of me and Itachi. It brought tears to my eyes.

Why?! Why did he do it?! I thought of him as a brother, and he abandoned me!!

"I hate you!" I yelled, throwing the picture at the wall so hard that the metal frame split, and the wall cracked. I flopped down on the small bed.

That was all I could think; why? And yet, I knew why, they had found out that I wasn't who they wanted. But I still felt I was missing something.

But what should I do?! By staying here, I'm risking drawing out Naruto for them, but by leaving, they'll follow me back to Suna, risking Gaara!

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