Chapter One

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Monday morning of week two. My alarm went off with some local radio station, playing Awake up by the Vamps. I groaned as I lazily pushed myself to sit up, my hair rolling over my head and across my face.

"And that was the Vamps," the radio announcer began his morning banter with his female co-host; I didn't know either of their names since I rarely ever paid attention.

"And now, here's our very own, lovely, miss Marley Rose." They said fake, excitedly.

As a girl started to sing an gentle song on guitar, I yawned, starting to fall back asleep. Rolling out of the bed, I took the quilt with me as I fell to the ground, hitting it with a heavy thud.

"Ouch," I muttered with a face full of floor.

"Josephine!" I heard my mum yell out from downstairs. "Get ready! You've got school!"

"Thanks mum." Mumbling, I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself up.

Okay, it's a new start to a new week. It's like last week didn't even happen. I can start again... That is if I can actually find the courage to talk to someone.

Hitting the alarm clock to shut it up, I plugged in my iPod and Electric Light Orchestra, Mr Blue Sky came pounding out.

Dancing, I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower, the icy cold water poured over me.

"The sun is shining in the sky," I sang along as I danced, messing around with the shampoo in my hair. "There ain't a cloud in sight. It's stop raining, every body in a play. And don't you know; it's a beautiful, new day. Heyeheh."

Finishing my shower, I quickly wrapped a towel around myself. "Running down the avenue, see how the sun shines brightly, In the city on the streets where once was pity, Mr. Blue Sky is living here today. Heyeheh."

I flicked trough my clothes. "Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why, You had to hide away. For so long where did we go wrong."

I pulled on my clothes and started on my makeup. "Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race. A celebration Mr. Blue Sky's, up there waitin' and today; Is the day we've waited for-"

"Josephine! Turn down the music and get down here already!"

With a sigh, I turned down the music, calling back. "Okay, I'll be down in a second."

Quickly I checked myself in the mirror. My brown hair had a copper tint to it, it was dead straight, well past my shoulders.

I'd always hated haircuts, I avoided them at all coast; they were too expensive anyway. My hair was healthy though, it was surprisingly resilient; I hardly ever got splint ends.

I was wearing a white shirt, with light blue long sleeves; it was a little large for me, which helped hide my awkward fitting bra. A plain pair of jeans; they were faded at the knees and pretty worn out from wearing them for around three years (I hadn't really grown since the sixth grade).

I liked keeping my makeup simple; I just put on mascara and eyeliner and my eye shadow like most days.

"Okay, now today you're just going to walk up to someone and say hi." I told myself in the mirror. "No thinking just go up, and say.... Hi..."

"Kids!" I heard Danny call out from downstairs. "Breakfast!"

As fast as I could I sprinted downstairs. In our one story, three bedroom house, the twelve of us lived.

In order of age there was; dad, mum (master bedroom), Danny (shed), me (attic), the first twins, Will and Peter (2nd bedroom), John, (2nd bedroom), Sally (3rd bedroom), the second twins, Ally (3rd bedroom) and Jess; who is a boy; (2nd bedroom), and Tilly, the baby, (3rd bedroom).

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