
16 2 0

Name: Josephine Hadison
Actor: Chrissy Costanza
Age: 15

Name: Danny Hadison
Actor: Will Ferri
Age: 16

Name: Mason Ferri
Actor: Dan Gow
Age: 16

Name: Scott Wilson
Actor: Jay Luftus
Age: 15

Name: Rory Sheppard
Actor: Leroy Sanchez
Age: 16

Name: Brad Lee
Actor: Sam Tsui
Age: 15

Name: Fletcher Mountbatten-Windsor
Actor: Lo Fang
Age: 15

Name: Nick Bermon
Actor: Patty Walters
Age: 15

Name: Hunter
Actor: Nick Wilson
Name: 16

Name: Autumn Ambry
Actor: none
Age: 18

Name: Jason Smith
Actor: none
Age: 17

Name: Sarah Pentleworth
Actor: none
Age: 15

Name: Maddie Woods
Actor: Tiffany Alvord
Age: 15

Name: Katey Roynane
Actor: Jasmine Thompson
Age: 15

Name: Audrey Eason
Actor: none
Name: 16

Name: Blake Lunas
Actor: Matt DeFreitas
Age: 15

Name: Harry Taylor
Actor: Alex Goot
Age: 15

Name: Ryan Arsons
Actor: none
Age: 15

Note, no artists I have mentioned have associated themselves with this story, it is pure fan fiction. Furthermore, the characters and artists are not the same, any similarities are purely coincidental and unintentional. I have only used the artists as faces and voices to make it easier for viewers to image the story. Their character traits have no correlation to them, eg. Their sexuality, religion, drug use, nationality, relationships, financial stance, ect.

(There is, however, the connection of Against the Current. The characters in the story are in a band called Against the Current, and preform ATC songs like Gravity and Paralysed.)

I own no legal rights to names, songs, or the television series Glee.

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