"What about your friend? Looking to cause him trouble too? You're already enough."

"No, I just want to tell her that I wasn' the only who escaped from their cell and sneak off to Earth."

Gabriel was scared but mostly confused. He wondered why Castiel would tell a lie about him. He didn't say a word though, he just kept listening.

"Alright, but if this is another trick, I'll smoke your bloody eyes off." The guard unlocked the door and stepped inside Castiel's cell. He cuffed Castiel and gripped him tight as he pulled him out. Castiel looked at Gabriel and saw the betrayal in his eyes. He mouthed "I'm sorry" before disappearing into the halls of Heaven. They reached Naomi's office and Castiel could see a few angels keeping guard around the halls.

"Hey mate, could you keep an eye on him for just a moment while I speak to Naomi?" The other guard nodded and grabbed hold of Castiel's cuffs and the keys.

"Naomi, your rat wants to speak to you about the imprisoned archangel."

"What about the archangel?" Naomi stood up from her desk.

"Castiel believes that he has been doing some sneaking off on his own without getting caught."

Meanwhile, Castiel's plan had been going perfectly so far.

"Hey, baldy?" Castiel said after the first guard went inside. The guard holding him just growled and gave him a scary look.

"Okay, I know we had some trouble on the past, you know, like the whole 'fallen angels' incident, but we're okay now right? No hard feelings?" Once again, the guard just growled and yanked Castiel's cuffs down.

"Ow! Okay, so I guess I'm still not forgiven. I guess I'm gonna have to give you two apology baskets now."

"For what?" The guard finally said.

"For this." Castiel slammed his forehead against the guard and slid his foot across, causing the guard to trip and fall. He grabbed the keys and quickly unlocked the cuffs then took the angel blade from the guard's back pocket. As he cut the angel's throat and took his grace, many other angels heard noises and came charging towards the escaped prisoner. Castiel just laughed and burned out their eyes or stabbed them the second they come in contact with him. He threw in occasional toothpick while at it. He took a blade from one of the dead angels and stuck it in between the handles of Naomi's office doors then quickly ran to find a certain heaven.

"Winch, Winchell, Winchenbach..." Castiel read aloud until he came upon the door that said "Winchester, Dean". He looked around in case there were any angels nearby and when he was certain he was alone, he turned the knob and pushed the door open. Castiel recognized the scenery instantly. It was the Fourth of July 2009. Although Dean was supposed to be tweleve in that memory, he looked like he was in his late twenties. He was playing with the sparklers at the tree house with eight year old Sam and that memory warmed Castiel's heart. Dean notices something out of the ordinary.

"Um, who are you?" Dean approached the man unknown to him.

Castiel smiled ear-to-ear but that smile immediately faded when he remembered that Dean has no memory of him.

"Uh, you don't remember me do you?" Castiel stuffed his hands into his pockets and kept looking at Dean.

"No, that's why I asked you who are you." Dean kept eye contact with the angel.

Castiel looked at the ground and pressed his lips together. He really didn't want to do this without Dean's consent but he did it anyways. Castiel stretched his arm out to Dean's forehead but Dean dodged him.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Dean scolded after smacking Castiel's hand away.

"There's some things you don't remember. Things you should've remembered but then they were erased– because of me."

Dean was confused. "What are you talking about? What's that even supposed to mean?"

"It's really hard to explain just– just please let me help you get those memories back?" Dean hesitated but for some reason, he trusted him. He nodded and the Castiel pressed two fingers against Dean's forehead. Dean took a deep breath and everything came rushing in. Visions of Sam, Castiel, and Gabriel and different emotions filled his head. Months of memories coming back to him and then Dean opened his eyes.

"Cas," was all he said. Castiel smiled and Dean embraced him. They both held onto each other for a long time until Dean pulled away. Castiel noticed how his eyes were teary and glossy and he couldn't stop smiling.

"Dean, lets play!" Sam tugged Dean's arm. "Oh, hey Cas! Come play with us!" That's when Castiel realized that this was really Sam, not a memory of him. He assumed that he was able to jump into different heavens. Both Dean and Castiel gave out a small laugh and then looked back up at each other, smiling widely.

Their time in paradise together was cut short when Naomi and her minions stormed into the heaven. She walked up to the couple with a wicked smirk plastered on her face.

"Better say your goodbyes, this will be your last one." 


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