Twenty Two

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When they got to their house, Castiel shut the door loudly.

"What's going on between you and Sam?"

Gabriel smirked as he remembers the moment. "Well I can finally say that I kissed a Winchester before you did."

Castiel rolled his eyes and went to his room. He changed into a gray shirt and a black collared jacket. He comes out and sees Gabriel in an unbuttoned black shirt and a dark green collared jacket.

Meanwhile, Sam wore a faded blue shirt with a dark brown jacket and beige jacket over it. Dean wore a dark green shirt with a black and white flannel underneath his leather jacket. They watched cartoons in the living room while waiting for Castiel and Gabriel. They heard a knock and went out.

"Dammit Cas how do you do this?" Dean kept slipping and sliding while Castiel skates like he was a part of the olympic winter games.

"Okay first you have to let go of the rail."

"No way in hell I'm letting go of the rail! It's the only thing keeping me from falling on my ass." Dean grips the rail tighter and slowly moves himself forward.

"Come on, Dean." Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean and that's when he let go of the rail. He saw the white ice he was standing on and Castiel's really attractive outfit.

"Good, now keep your balance." He lets go of Dean and as soon as that happened, he starts slipping and he fell hard on the ice. He heard Sam and Gabriel laugh as they passed by them for the sixth time.

"I told you that rail was the only thing keeping my ass away from the ice."

"Here, I got you." Castiel helped Dean up. It was a struggle since Dean kept slipping and sliding every five seconds. Eventually Dean got up and Castiel taught him how to keep his balance.

"Okay so know you just push back with your foot, like this." Castiel pushes back with his right foot and he skated around in a circle around Dean.

"Can you hold me? You know, in case I fall again?" Castiel smiled and took Dean's wrist. Dean attempted to push his foot back but he slipped again. Luckily Castiel caught him. His right hand was on Dean's back, supporting his weight, and his left hand was now holding Dean's right hand. Their fingers were intertwined. They looked like they finished dancing in a ballroom and Castiel was the leader that dips his partner at the end of the dance. Dean was looking up at Castiel's beautiful bright blue eyes while Castiel stared right back at Dean's gorgeous emerald greens.

"Ooooh!" Sam and Gabriel teased and then skated off to their next lap. Castiel helped Dean stand straight.

    "Nice catch." Dean winked. Castiel smirked and then he continued to help him skate without falling. After an hour later, Dean could finally skate for a decent amount of time without falling. He got so excited, he slipped and fell. Castiel got him up and they decided to do a few practice laps around the ice rink. They did a total of eighteen laps and Dean only fell once.

"I can ice skate now!" Dean cheered and hugs Castiel. "Thanks Cas." He hugged him back and they both got a nice warm feeling inside.

"Aw, how cute! Now can you two lover birds stop mating and get us some hot chocolate. We're freezing." Sam and Gabriel looked frozen and Dean gave them his warm leather jacket to share. They stopped by McDonald's and bought four hot chocolates then continued to walk home.

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