Thirty One

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hey guysssss, i finished the chapter in less than two days whoop!! lmao excuse my lameness. anywhoreee, this chapter may result to ugly crying and the urge to want to throw your device out the nearest window. enjoyyyyyy!!!

QOTD: Which do you prefer, Destiel or Sabriel?

Castiel woke up as happy as ever. He and Dean planned on hanging out that day since his parents had to go back to work. Honestly, he was glad that his parents were away so that he and Dean were able to spend more time together. He missed cuddling in the couch and inhaling Dean's cologne and staring at his deep, dark green eyes. Castiel headed down the stairs but then noticed two people on the couch.

"Hello, brother." Two familiar voices said at the same time. Castiel immediately knew who they were. He attempted to teleport out of the room but it was too late. Michael grabbed Castiel and cuffed him with handcuffs that had a sigil on it. Lucifer stood in front of him.

"Aw, leaving the party so soon, Cas?" Lucifer held an angel blade and dragged it lightly across Castiel's chest. Castiel avoided looking at the angel blade and glared directly into Lucifer's eyes. "Look, we let you slide for the first few days but if we don't get you back to Heaven soon, we're going to be dead, Gabriel's going to be dead, and you're going to be dead." Castiel kept his mouth shut and continued to keep eye contact with Lucifer. Michael held Castiel tight in case he tries to do something. Gabriel comes down the stairs and sees Michael, Lucifer, and Castiel. They look up at the stairs and see Gabriel just standing there.

"Gabe, go!" Castiel yelled then Gabriel was gone in an instant.

"I'm sorry, Cas, but you know the rules. You mess with the colors of a human, you gotta go." Lucifer tried to sound as innocent as possible but Castiel knew that whatever happens, he's going to end up dead.

"Gabriel told you the story, right? About angels falling in love with humans and taking away their ability to see colors, yada yada yada." Michael explained to Castiel. "Well, you're not allowed to do that. Taking away their ability to see colors is also changing their perspective on earth and just about everything."

"Do you know why that's not allowed?" Lucifer asked Castiel, who had the same glare fixed on Lucifer. "It's not allowed because their ability to see colors tells you how a person is, or how they see the world, taking that ability away makes the person a waste, or like a zombie. For example, someone sees a red flower and thinks that it's beautiful, indicating that their perspective and personality is positive or enthusiastic. If someone else saw that same flower but sees blue or a really dark, ugly red, they are currently in a broken state. Without seeing the colors, they're just mindlessly looking things that should mean something to them. Colors mean a lot and without them, everything is just..... dull."

"Isn't there a way to give the person back their ability to see colors again?" Castiel finally spoke.

Michael answered, "There isn't, unless the angel that took their ability to see colors stops having feelings towards the human, but I've never seen such a thing happen."

Castiel looked at the ground. He can't control how he feels about Dean. "And what if I don't go back to Heaven with you two?"

"It's simple. Dean will eventually become a mindless vessel and we would eliminate him." Lucifer shrugged.

Castiel's eyes widened. "Fine, I'll go with you." He retreated and held his head down.

"Attaboy! Now, let's go get our tickets to Heaven." Lucifer walked towards the front door and Michael begins to push Castiel. "Wait." Lucifer held a finger up. "Before we go, I think Castiel would have to say goodbye to Dean. Not the ordinary goodbyes though. He's going to have to give him a more permanent goodbye."


It's been hours and Dean has been waiting for Castiel all day. He tried calling him and texting him but he wasn't answering. Dean put on his old/new leather jacket and left the house. He knocked on Castiel's front door but no one answered.

"Cas?" Dean pounded louder on the door. "Cas,? You in there? Open up, man!" Dean twisted the knob and the door opened. He face-palmed himself for not trying that earlier. He stepped inside and noticed that the house was abnormally quiet. Dean made his way upstairs and towards Castiel's bedroom door. "Cas?" He knocked first and listened. After repeating this two more times, he turned the knob and let himself in. Castiel wasn't inside. Dean looked at the bathroom door and noticed that the lights were open. "Cas? Come on, don't tell me you're jacking off in there." Dean joked. There wasn't an answer. "I was kidding, now open up, it's Dean." Nothing. "Cas? I know you're in there, I can see the light on." He pounded on the door. "Cas! Stop fucking around!" Dean hit the door numerously. "Baby, you in there?" Dean grew mad so he began kicking the door until the lock broke. When the door swung open, Dean immediately regretted it. Dean fell to his knees and tears began rolling down his face. "Cas?" That was all that he managed to get out. Suddenly, it became hard for him to breathe. Almost immediately, Gabriel and Sam were up in Castiel's bedroom and saw Dean crying. Sam ran to his brother to comfort him and Gabriel phoned an ambulance.

Meanwhile, in Heaven, a bunch of angel's threw Castiel into a cell. After a while, Castiel checks on Dean. He watched as Dean cried and sobbed. He was broken and everything was falling apart. Hours after the ambulance took Castiel's vessel, Dean was still a sobbing mess. He laid in the corner of his room and cried for what seemed like forever until suddenly he just stopped crying. It wasn't like a slow stop, it was an immediate stop. One second his eyes were flowing with tears and the next second, he's dead silent and wondering why he was crying in the first place. He stood up then walked to the bathroom to wash his face. After he turned off the sink, he went straight to the bed and played games on his phone. Castiel watched in confusion. He wondered how Dean was able to get over Castiel's (fake) death so quickly.

"That's because we erased all memory of you from his mind." Castiel looked up and saw an angel in front of his cell door. The angel wore a white collared shirt with a gray suit over it and her brown hair was tied up in a bun. Her eyes, blue and strict, stared into Castiel's. A fake smile sprawled across her face.

"Hello, Castiel. My name is Naomi."

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