I sighed and slumped down, "I think its been parked to long." I said.

"Tap it three times and give it a twist." Glenn instructed and I nodded trying it out. Same results.

"Let me see." Glenn said pointing to the front. I turned the engine off and got out walking over to him after grabbing the tools Andrea had brought.

He had the front open and was looking inside. "Dale told me that in these old vehicles the points get corroded."

"Ok well how do we get the points uncorroded." I asked not know what the hell any of this ment.

"Hand me a screwdriver." I nodded and picked a random one up and held it out. He looked at it before shaking his head, "Flathead." I looked at the one I held and saw it was a Philips. I pulled another one out and made sure it was a Flathead before handing it to him.

I smiled as I watched him work on the RV, thinking that Dale would be proud. "Can you hand me a file?"

Dale wouldn't be proud of me, "uh?" He chuckled and can and got the thing he needed before getting back to work.

After a few minutes he stopped, "I let him down."

"He was proud of you." I said, "maybe not then, but overall he was proud."

"That's easy for you to say." He huffed, getting mad. "You had his back."

"Well, I haven't known Dale as long as you. And your not the only one who regrets things they did before a loved one died. Don't dwell on it." I said and rubbed his back.

He turned to look at me then nodded. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back. He started to cry and I did to, we pulled away and wiped our tears.

"I think I fixed it." He mumbled and closed the gate thing and grabbed the tools I had set down. He went to open the RV door when I stopped him. "Glenn."

He looked back at me and I tossed him the keys and he caught them. He walked in and I did to.

He sat down in the drivers seat and I put the tools on the RV's table before sitting down in the passenger seat.

"I bet it'll work." I said and he put the key in and turned it, starting the engine. "Yay!" I laughed and he laughed to.

"I found my g- did you get it going?" I heard Andrea ask as she climbed in. She then saw Glenn and nodded as if understanding.


"Only got so many arrows." I said as I handed Daryl the gun that was carried by Dale. "Is that Dales gun?" He asked as T-Dog walked up to us from the house.

"Yeah." I sighed and he looked and me for a moment. "Wish I knew where the hell mine went." He huffed and I chuckled. That made him smile.

The day Dale died, Daryl lost his gun. He said it was in the saddle on his bike that morning but was gone when he got back from the meeting.

"Ready?" I heard Rick say from behind me. I didn't even hear him walk up. Daryl nodded and T left to go get the "package". Aka Randall.

I watched him leave and sighed looking back at the two men "Be careful, both of you. Don't need to lose anyone else especially you two." I said and they both nodded.

Daryl walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I wasn't expecting this, with Rick standing there, but I guess he knows I need the comfort.

Just then T came running over screaming that Randall got lose. Daryl and Rick immediately run for the stable. I just settle for walking, tired of running everywhere. I get it this is important but my legs are sore.

Angel Winged Vest ( a Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now