Chapter 2

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Bella POV-


I jumped. "Charlie?" I shouted. "Hey, Bells. Sorry for scaring you." Charlie shouted back. I sighed in relief. "What you are cooking for dinner? Or I could call pizza place?" Charlie asked me as he joined me to watch Romeo and Juliet. Then he stopped, froze and burst in laughter. I raised my eyebrows. Have he lost his mind? "Romeo and Juliet? I thought you said it haunts you since Edward left?" He scoffed. I winced at the name Edward. "Sorry, Bells." He sighed, knowing that I don't like the sound of the name, Edward. Finally, the part Romeo and Juliet killed each other, this time, I didn't cry. When the ending credits stared, Charlie suddenly changed Romeo and Juliet to Red Sox vs Houston. I sighed. Well, I don't really needs to watch anymore, I have to cook. 

I cooked chicken for the dinner. Charlie missed it. He ate it like a animal. When we was done, I stood up to go to the room. "Hey, Bells, do you mind for while?" He offered a seat. "Okay." I said, confused. When I sat, I started at Charlie. Until, I got enough, "What?" I demanded. Charlie took a deep breath. "Are you happy?" 

"What?" I demanded," That you want talk about that?" I scoffed. "Isabella." Charlie gave me a warning look. "I. Am. Happy." I spitted the words though my teeth. Charlie sighed. He knew that I'm lying. I'm a horrible liar. "Okay the talk is over." Charlie let me go. I sighed in relief as I entered the room.  'I want to kill myself! Why I did ever promised to Edward!' I yelled in my head. It was stupid enough to thinking about it. I pulled myself to bed and sighed. "Why ever I have this life?!" I whispered, wising to yell. Guess I can yell to myself tomorrow when Charlie leave to work. I started at the pictures of Edward and me, remembering the memory, when Jasper attacked on my birthday. I sighed as I image at the unpleasant memory. 


"Open mine and Edward's next," Alice said, so excited her voice was a high-pitched trill. She held a small, flat square in her hand. 

I turned to give Edward a basilisk glare. "You promised." Before he could answer, Emmett bounded through the door. "Just in time!" he crowed. He pushed in behind Jasper, who had drifted closer than usual to get a good look. 

"I didn't spend a dime," Edward assured me. He brushed a strand of hair from my face, leaving the skin tingling from his touch.

I inhaled deeply and turned to Alice. "Give it to me," I sighed. 

Emmett chucked with delight.

 I took the little package, rolling my eyes to Edward while I struck my finger under the edge of the paper and jerked it under the tape.

"Shoot," I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut.

It all happened very quickly then.

"No!" Edward roared.

He threw himself at me, flinging me back across the table. It fell, as I did, scattering the cake and the presents, the flowers and the plates. I landed in the mess of shattered crystal.

Jasper slammed into Edward, and the sound was like the crash of boulders in a rock slide. 

There was another noise, a grisly snarling that seemed to be coming from deep in Jasper's chest. Jasper tried to shove past Edward, snapping his teeth just inches from Edward's face. 

Emmett grabbed Jasper from behind in the next second, locking him into his massive steel grip, but Jasper struggled on, his wild, empty eyes focused only on me. Beyond the shock, there was also pain. I'd tumbled down by the piano, with my arms thrown out instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. Only did I feel the searing, stringing pain that ran from my wrist to crease inside my elbow.

Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm-into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.


I sobbed of the memory, I'll rather Jasper kill me than suffering this without allowing killing myself. I wiped my tears. It is time to move on. But I just can't. I sobbed again.'This is stupid! This is stupid!' I chanted again and again to myself. After few hours of sobbing, I decided to sleep. I let my thoughts trail off.

I remembered the way Edward would tell that he love me, each touch, each kiss. It was a whole lie. I remembered the day I followed Edward after he disappeared. Charlie's one of friends have found me in middle of night, lost. Well, actually he found me by a dog. His dog really, really scared me out the hell. He can't stop barking and showing off his teeth and the worse part, growling. I jumped a lot that night. There is also a lot of light flash and screaming my name. I wished they never found me, so I will accidentally died, not my fault anyway. It was not so long that I realized that I was breathing out loud. I don't care. Well, at least, I'm alone, anyway. 

Charlie opened the door. Uh-oh, not alone anymore. "Hey, Bells. What's up with that wide awake thing, you usually sleep earlier." He said, cheerful, whatever what causes him so cheerful. "Oh-I was just thinking. Do you mind turn off the light?" I asked. "Oh, no. I didn't mean it, you can go ahead what you did before." Charlie look like guilty. "No, Char-Dad. I really want to go back to sleep," I sighed. He open his mouth to complain, But not fast enough before I could speak first. "Really." I added. "Fine." He grumbled. I sighed as he turn the lights off. Oh, great. Now, I feel guilty instead Charlie! Great! I don't want to let myself to be guilty. I started the stars, no moon tonight.

I fell into deep, deep sleep. 

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