Chapter 1

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'Mr Valentine, you're needed now.' I get up from the staff room sofa and follow Jac onto the ward.
A patient is wheeled past me, I glance at her almost lifeless body. I can't help but feel like I know her.
I rush by her side, she coughs. Spluttering up blood as she does.
'Ok I need tests running now!' I yell at the nurses stood to one side having there own private conversations, someone's life hangs in the balance.
'Hello, can you hear me. I'm doctor Oliver Valentine, can you hear me?'
She slowly turns on her side, throwing up over the bed onto my pants and shoes, brilliant.
She falls back onto the bed, delicately opening her eyes.
'Hello I'm..' She throws up on me again.
'Sorry..I'm Zosia March.' I smile, after starting working back here a few months again I feel reluctant to help a patient who's just thrown up on me, I guess it is my job to save her.
'Nice to meet you I guess... Now Miss March when did this happen?'
'It's Doctor March actually.' I stare at this rather sassy young female,
'I'm sorry?'
'I work here, on Keller.' She leans over the bed and throws up again, dodging me this time. Thats how I've seen her before.
'I do apologise.'
'It's ok, can you just get on with making me better!' She's very arrogant for a Doctor.
'Ok I've been informed you've been hit by a car?'
She nods her head.
'I'm just waiting for your results.'
She shifts in the bed.
'Please try to remain still.' She glares at me.
'God, you've got no patients have you.. Doctor, whatever you're name is..'
'Oliver!' I grab the medical notes and leave her, I head over to the central desk. Sitting next to mo I search Zosia March onto the computer.
'O, searching up Mr selfs daughter are we, I know she attractive Ollie but I'm sure she taken.' I glare at mo.
'I'm sorry guy selfs daughter?'
'Yep. Please clean yourself up.'
That's explains the arrogant-ness.
I get up and rush Into the changing room.

Zosia's POV
I lie in the bed, my chest wrenching. I can't stop being sick, I wish I had someone more reliable treating me. I've heard a lot about the man.
I grab the plastic tube and throw up.  

20 minutes later
The young, fairly attractive blue eyed doctor enters the room. I watch him fumbling around with sheets, I laugh to myself.
He walks to me. I must say he's rather cute. My tummy wrenches..
'I'm sorry.. About throwing up on you.' I smirk. He smirks back, handing me my medical sheets to read. Bleeding in the lower chest. Great.

After surgery
I open my eyes, I feel groggy and a bit achy. He stands beside me.
'Been watching me sleep.' I joke. He laughs
'I'm not creepy.' I smile.
'I'm sorry, about being horrible to you before.. You see I struggle with..'
My dad barges in.

- Tiegan -

The course of true love never did run smooth ( Zollie Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now