Oh My It's You

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I had went to medical school with a sweet guy named Ollie. He was one of nicest, only a year above me. After graduating, I became a junior doctor at Holby City Hospital on Keller Ward. Beds always full with teenagers getting their selves into no good.

It was 2 hours before my shift was about to start on the chaos ward. I had just gotten up, Dom still asleep and Arthur complaining about his cereal always being eaten. I told Arthur "I'll make you a frie up...ay?". Arthur had always loved his frie ups since childhood.

I began cooking the frie up, after getting the ingredients ready. When suddenly this dizzy spell hit me. I had gotten these spells before, so thought nothing of it. All of a sudden I crash to the floor, losing consciousness.

Arthur rushed to my side, reassuring me that I was going to be fine. My head was in a Fuzzy mode, my eyes where blurred but I could hear his voice next to me. I gasped to him "Don't leave me" as I slipped completely unconscious.

The next thing I know, I'm in Holby City Hospital on Darwin Ward, connected to their monitors and a very tall man looking down at me with his torch. I freaked out for a moment "Stop it!" I shouted to the man.

As my eyes got less blurry, I realised that this man looking down on me, wasn't any ordinary man. It was Ollie from medical school. "What you doing here?" I questioned him. He replied "I'm your doctor....You collapsed at home".

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