Be Mine Valentine?

Start from the beginning

He walked over to you and forced your face to look up at him. "Stay still." He wiped your mouth and noticed your face was warm and red. "Are you sick."


"Your getting fat." Miorima poked your cheek then turned to go back to his seat, you grabbed his hand and took out a hand made card form your pocket.

"I didn't get to give you your Valentine's card yet, so here." You shoved the card into his face. Midorima took it and saw the chocolate.

"Have this, pig." He unwrapped the chocolate and forced you to eat it. "Thanks."

"You look like a carrot, carrot." You watched as a shadow covered his face. Midorima took a chocolate bar out of his pocket and unwrapped it then shoved it I your mouth.

Nearby Takao watched as Midoirma chased you around the classroom trying to force you to eat more candy.


Kuroko watched as you got Valentine after Valentine. He saw you smile at every Valentine and said thanks to everyone who gave you one. Suddenly his eyes met your and you smiled at him. Kuroko's heart pounded.

You walked over to Kuroko. "Hi, Kuroko-kun. I didn't know where you were and I wanted to give you this." You handed the blue head a stuffed animal of a dog and card.

"Thank you, um, here's your Valentine gift," Kuroko said digging into his pocket and handed you a necklace he made back at home. Unlike how the other ids in his class made necklaces horribly Kuroko had a knack a making them.

"Its pretty, thank you. Would you like to play together at break time?" You asked after you put on the necklace.

Kuroko smiled cutely. "Sure."

"Okay its a plan." You waved and walked back to your seat leaving Kuroko as he embraced the stuffed dog tightly.


"Oi, last nigh I found something called porn. Its really cool," You overhead Aomine talk to his friend Kagami and walked up behind the blue head smacking him in the head.

"Yah, don't talk about that, Taiga-kun its best you never find out what 'porn' is," You said the pinched Aomine by the ear. "Excuse us."

You dragged Aomine out into the corner of the room and flicked his head. "Idiot, people have mind in this class that are pure, unlike you."

"Oh yeah, how about you, how'd you know what porn is!" Aomine rubbed his aching ear.

"I have a stupid older brother who doesn't turn any volume down," You said. "Now don't go ruining anyone's Valentines day."

"I didn't get anyone a Valentine," Aoime proudly said. "I'm a bad boy."

You rolled your eyes. "keep telling yourself that." You walked over to where your backpack hung and took out a mini basketball. "Here happy Valentines day, you know how to play right?"

Aomine took it with sparkles in his eyes. "I'm the ace!" He took the basketball. "Thanks, but I don't have a valentine... Never mind, here's your Valentine!" Aomine took you chin and kissed you on the lips.

"Hey! That's my first kiss and it was by a baboon!" You yelled and wiped you lips on your shirt.

"I'm not a baboon!"

"Yes you are, I'm outta here!" You marched over to your desk and sat down then started to wonder, why was my heart pounding and whys my face warm?


"That way!" You yelled from the top of Murasakibara's shoulders, Akashi had let you have a turn on the titan ride for Valentines day and you were having a blast. "Hey Atsushi go over to my backpack, I have something to give you."

Muraskibara hobbled over to your backpack and bent down for you to get the thing you needed. You took it out and Murasakibara smelled something sweet. "Happy Valentines day!" You gave him a huge lollipop.

"Food!"  Murasakibara said and snatched the lollipop then shoved it in his mouth. "Good~."

"Your welcome, now outside!" You yelled.

"Your my favorite person in the world, (F/n)," He said.

"I know, I know." You giggled and kissed Murasakibara's head. "Let's go!"

Random or OCC cut parts


Takao: You two were made for each other!

Both: N-no! We aren't!


You: what is that awful noise?

Aomine://outside blasting porn

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