#95 your sad

554 18 3

Brendan: Brendan will take you to a bookstore as he knows reading is your favourite hobby.

Cian: Cian will take you to the beach, no matter if it's hail, rain or sunshine the beaches on ackill island are your favourite thing and a walk across the beach hand in hand with Cian was your favourite thing.

Dean: Dean will shower you with kisses.

Dayl: Dayl will try and teach you a really complicated dance routine but you end up failing miserably and laughing your Arse off.

Josh: Josh will find a soccer match on telly and the two of you will sit down with a bowl of popcorn sand watch the match.

Ryan: Ryan will get out his guitar and play your favourite songs to you.

Omg what have I even wrote this is crap...sorry🙈 also give in your preference requests! I like seriously need them buy what do you think of the next one being your wedding dress?🙈 also the plan is to post the final preferences on the 22nd of March..moi birthday✌🏼️then after we're gonna do a Q&A👐🏼

Liv xx💙💛

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