#41 PDA

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Brendan isn't a big fan of PDA, the only time you will see it is when he's leaving you at the airport or he's jealous.


Cian is a big fan of PDA, always has been always will be, he loves showing that your his his showing you off to everyone.


Dean is a hardcore fan of PDA and is never afraid of giving you a checky shift when your in a less crowded area.


Dayl Dosnt mind PDA but he isint a fan of to much PDA so with you it's kept to a maximum kiss on the check and if he gets jealous of lads looking at you then he will make sure they know your his by giving you a kiss.


With Josh it depends on the situation, if it's a crowded place like a big gig then there might be a kiss on the check but if your in a less crowded place he won't be afraid to give you a proper kiss.


Ryan my not be the biggest fan of PDA but is always holding your hand making sure you know that he loves you.


Lots of updates this week🙈 like seriously there will be at least one a day🙈

I'm watching high school musical because well it's life🙊

Also Check out the hometown fanfic/preference awards 2015! Just check out my works for more❤️

Liv xx💙💛

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