#51 when his on tour (him)

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Brendan: Brendan will always have a photo of the two of you with him on his bedside table so your always the first and last thing he sees that day.

Cian: Cian will act like Dayls his girlfriend always cuddling him pretending that you are Dayl.

Dean: Dean will go shopping, his like a girl in a way, he loves his retail therapy and is always picking up bits and bobs to create an outfit to bring home to you.

Dayl: Dayl will start doing snapchats more because he misses having you to mess around with, he's bored without you.

Josh: Josh will play an endless amount of FIFA trying to beat your high score only stopping for food and to FaceTime you.

Ryan: Ryan will write songs, mainly about you. Everytime Ryan comes back he always sings a new sing to you.

Idk😂there random but I like them and I'm writing this on Thursday while waiting for the album and I'm so fucking excited 🙈 yet I'm ready to fall asleep but I have an alarm set for midnight🙌even though my wi-fi is a pile of S H I T because of the weather☔️☔️💩💩btw I got this request agessss ago but well I kinda forgot 😂sorry I don't even know who asked me🙈

I'm curently listening to I wrote this 4 you & I'm crying it's the first song I've heard from the album and omg😭😭😍😍❤️❤️

Liv xx💙💛

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