"What can I do for you?" He asked, putting his hands on my shoulders. I honeslty didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted to hug someone or kiss someone. So that's exactly what I did. I leaned over, and we kissed. I could feel that Jake was surprised, but he kissed back. I hugged him, feeling a bit better by the warmth spreading across me. Conscious of Brody still watching us, Jake and I headed to his car. I caught a glimpse of Brody, and he looked heartbroken. But it had to be my imagination, right?


I woke up the next morning with a terrible head ache. I got up, and my body hurt. I noticed how I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I hadn't changed, and I just slumped on my bed, and fell asleep. I felt cold and light headed. Have I gotten a cold? It's not that strange, thinking how I was drenched in cold water, was in wet clothes for three hours, and fell asleep with those clothes.

I tried getting up on my wobbly legs. Hopefully I can still catch my mom, and ask her if she can call the school to tell them that I wont be attending today. I went downstairs, and my mom was sipping a cup of coffee.

"Mom, I don't feel good." I said, holding onto the railing of the staircase for support.

"Oh dear, are you ok?" She asked, walking to me.

"Yeah, just need rest. I don't think I can go to school today..." I said, and she ushered me back to my room.

"I'll get you some cold medicine, be right back, okay?" I nodded, and she rushed out. She came back a few minutes with a bottle of medicine, an ice pack, and some microwave-able food. She left the medicine and ice pack next to me, and she said she'd leave the food in the fridge, so I knew where to get it. She then ran out the door so that she wont be late for her work.

I laid in my bed, feeling terrible. I coughed, and mucus came into my mouth. I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I thought I'd feel refreshed after that, but it didn't really help. I then decided I'd take a bath to warm myself up. I had the warm water going, and brought comfy, clean clothes I can change into.

Once the water had filled the tub, I stepped in, my feet feeling the hot of the water. A few seconds later, my skin got used to the hot water, and I slowly put my entire body inside. I felt much warmer, and I laid there for a few minutes, bathing in the warm water. I splashed the water on myself, feeling the ripples across my skin.

After a few more minutes, I got out, feeling a tad bit better. I slipped into my comfy room wear, and stumbled back into my room. I went inside my bed, and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already 11. I was a bit hungry, and I knew that I can't take medicine without eating a little bit, so I went downstairs to prepare something. I opened my fridge, and got a frozen pizza. I stuck a fourth of it in the oven, and waited for ten minutes.

The oven started ringing a melody when I was reading a random tour advertisement on the ground. I threw the ad on the ground and ran to the oven. I touched the pan, and let to immediately.

"Ouch!" I yelped, waving my hands in the air. I went to the sink and poured cold water on it. I got a towel, and wiped my hands with it before using that towel to get the pan out of the oven. I put my pizza on a plate, and sat on the table to eat. My hands still burned, and after eating I took an ice pack upstairs, and then took my medicine.  

I sat on my bed, clutching the ice pack, feeling extremely nauseous.  I ran to the toilet, and threw up my pizza.  I groaned.   Had I gotten a virus or something?  I went back to my room, feeling dizzy, weak, sick, and horrible.  When I checked it, my fever hit 102 degrees.

I was laying on my bed, about to fall asleep, when I heard a knock on the door.  If it's my brother, he has a spare key so he'll walk in on himself, so I ignored it.  It was three o'clock, so it was time my brother came home anyway.  I ignored it, waiting for sleep to come to me, but he knocked again.  And again.  By now he was slamming on the door.  What was the problem with him?  DId he lose the key or something?

Summer daydreamWhere stories live. Discover now