Chapter Eleven

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I sit quietly in a white interrogation room, the officer who brought me in has left the room, keeping me in the room in handcuffs. There is a mirror, a false mirror I suppose, against the wall that I face that takes up the entire wall. I'm assuming they are watching me behind that false mirror and recording everything I do, everything I say, on a camera. So I say nothing while I am alone, resting my head against my arms on the table in front of me. I close my eyes, hoping I won't see Luci here with me

I'm exhausted from dealing with all of this; from Luci and his threat to dealing with the Hells Angels and their threat to me and my bikers, and now on top of all of this there is the growing worry about how my bikers are doing without me. This police presence has only worsened my stress.

I think about Kaylin and about all of the bikers who are still loyal to me, wracking my brain for an answer to whether or not it was a good decision to stay behind, though I knew then that they all wanted me to come with them so we would all be safe.

I sigh, muttering to myself, "Well, at least they're safe now,"

The door to the room opens and someone enters the room, laying their hand on the table near me.

I sit up, looking at the officer who brought me in, Officer MacLennan. The same officer that I had to deal with when I went to juvie.

"Mackenzie Harrelson," he mutters, sitting in the chair across the table from me. He sounds surprised, much unlike the judgemental tone I came to expect from him, or any officer for that matter.

"Hello, Officer MacLennan," despite his non-judgemental tone I still find myself greeting him coldly.

He seems more tense than I am right now, "You've been brought in for questioning regarding a missing person's case. We have reason to believe that you have been in contact with them recently,"

I think of Kaylin and what she told me back at Robin's earlier tonight, "Kaylin Berges..." I say, watching MacLennan's reaction intently.

He appears slightly surprised at my response, probably not expecting me to give a name, much less the one that he is here to question me about, "Yes, that's right. How do you know her?"

"She's a friend," I'm not willing to give him much information on her.

MacLennan shifts in his sear, leaning casually towards me, "Do you know where she is?"

I shake my head, "Not specifically, but I'm assuming she's still in town,"

He seems annoyed by my straight forward answers, but now tries to steer the conversation away from that, "Are any of your club members in possession of illegal weapons, drugs or drug paraphernalia?"

God I'm going to be questioned about everything! I complain in the back of my mind, "That isn't a relevant question to what you brought me in to question me about,"

I watch in silence as he rises from his seat, "Excuse me," MacLennan leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I move my arms off the table , leaning back in the chair. I stare at my reflection in the false mirror. My reflection is still the same dark stranger that I met when I cut myself. She is the darkness in me, and it's clear she won't be easily rid of, just like Luci.

I notice in the mirror that Luci is standing in the farthest corner of the room, his anger is still apparent but he shows satisfaction in himself, showing a smug, arrogant look as he watches me. He thinks he is above me, that I must obey him.

"Action brings it's share of dangers Mackenzie," he says from his place to my left.

I stare at him quietly through the mirror.

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