Chapter Five

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I stop at the end of a deserted road on the outskirts of the city. An abandoned house is just down the road.

“Why are we stopping here Kenzie?” Desiree asks after we get off our bikes.

I take off my helmet, fix my hair and say, “See that house?”

This starts some small conversations between the bikers. Desiree speaks up, “What about that house? Why are we out here?”

“That’s going to be our new club house,” I say, standing by my bike, admiring the house.

“You’ve got to be kidding!!” James says, obviously shocked but excited.

I laugh a bit, “I’ve been saving up and I bought this place for a steal! Construction workers and painters are coming in the morning to start work on the exterior. I’ll be working on it as well when I’m not working on the route for our ride,”

Desiree looks at me, a bit concerned, “Kenz you can’t work on the route for the ride, and fix up the clubhouse! You’ll be exhausted. Look I’ll get Jake and few others together and they’ll come help with the clubhouse, and those of us you already suggested to work on the route will do that. You don’t need to run yourself ragged coordinating all of this,”

I sigh, giving her a hug, “Thanks Dez, I appreciate it,”

“No problem Kenz,”

I put my hands in my pockets, thinking about Luci again. I convinced myself during this last year that it was not real, but now my mind is telling me otherwise. If it was real, then where is he now? Waiting for me to be ready to understand more of what he wants from me in return for helping the Diamond Backs prosper? Or planning something that will become a downfall for me?

“Guys… I’m going to head out, this meeting is adjourned until further notice. Work on the route may begin as soon as this following week, please do your best and incorporate areas outside of the city as well if you would like,” I get on my bike and hold my helmet in my lap, “Sam, please see that a few people come to help the construction crew tomorrow afternoon. Get some of the interior looking good,”

“Where you off to Kenzie?” Sam asks, watching me as I put my helmet on over my face.

I look at him for a few moments, “I just need to figure something out right now. Tell my dad I won’t be home tonight please Dez, just tell him I’m staying at your place tonight,”

“I’ll go by your place and tell your dad you’re staying with us,” Jake says, smiling.

I nod, putting my helmet over my face. I start up the bike and drive off down the road, back into the city.

I park my bike near the bookstore, seeing that there is no one inside except for the clerk. It’s a much larger bookstore than the bookstore near my house.

I enter the bookstore, looking at the clerk briefly.

She’s seen the patch on my back there’s no doubt about that. Her eyes, before bright and vibrant, are now showing fear. She fears that I will hurt her, she knows I’m the president of the Diamond Backs.

I smile at her for a second and nod in her direction, “Do not worry miss,” I say to her gently, “It is only I who has come here. No one else,”

Her hand shakes as she moves it across the desk that she sits behind. She is looking for a phone, but she keeps her eyes trained on me.

I sigh and take a blue cased cell phone off of the counter next to her hand. I keep my hand over it, “I am not here to cause harm to you, nor to anyone else. I am simply a customer,”

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