Chapter 1 - Central

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  • Dedicated to Hiromu Arakawa

I looked down at the map i held in my hands.

"Okay so this is central" i muttered to myself, pointing at where i was. I stepped off the train and  into the rain, looking around the station. "Now what?" I said, walking toward the exit and shoving the map into my back pocket. "I should apply to be a state alchemist, first. Then i could head to the library to research more."  I thought.

I pulled up my hood and  headed toward the Central Command Center, unsure of what to do when i got there. I had heard of a Colonel Roy Mustang, and i knew that he was a state alchemist, so i guess i would just ask him for help when saw him.

I stopped at the large stone staircase in front of the building, letting the rain pit pat on my head. I looked up the steps and then down at my feet. Was i actually nervous? i shook my head to reassure myself. Of course not! I'm Akari Sakuragi! i can get passed anything! i walked up the steps confidently, planning out what i was going to say to the Colonel when i got there. When i finally reached the top, opened the door, and got inside, i was a little confused on where to go. I must have looked like i was confused because about a minute or so later, i heard someone talk to me.

"You look a little lost," a beautiful woman with blonde hair and powerful eyes said, seemingly appearing out of no where. "can i help you find where you need to go?"

"Yeah, ehm, i'm trying to find Colonel Mustang" i said nervously, pulling off my hood. She smiled, her eyes shining.

"Come on, follow me."  She started walking down the hall. I kept up with her, but i was surprised at how dignified and swift she was. Well, what should i expect from the military?

"I've never seen you here before," she said as we walked. "What's your name?"

"I'm Akari Sakuragi... I'm here to find out how to become a state alchemist."

"Why would you be interested in a thing like that?"

"Multiple reasons, actually. I'll tell you some other time." I smiled sadly, putting my hand over the eyepatch on my right eye and tightening the grip of my left hand. She gave me a concerned look, but it almost seemed as if she knew what i was talking about.

"Okay, this is it. He has someone with him at the time but he'll be done soon, if you don't mind waiting here for a little bit." We stopped in front of a door near the end of the second hallway.

'Thanks so much." i said, nodding. She walked back down the hall as dignified and swift as she had while walking with me. One problem when i'm left waiting in front of a room; i eavesdrop. It was kind of hard not to eavesdrop considering how quiet the hallway was versus how loud the people inside were.

Inside the room

"Come on! you can't keep on sending us on these military missions that you can do yourself!  we have to find the Philosopher's Stone!" Shouted a young, teenage-sounding voice; about my age.

"Brother, you already know that you have to do these things! You basically signed up when you became a State Alchemist! You're part of the miltary now." Obviously someone different speaking now. the voice seemed younger, and oddly metallic with a slight echo.

"Alphonse is right, Fullmetal. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you took the Exam."  Three people in the room. This one sounded in charge and dominant; probably the Colonel. 

"Hey, by the way. At the Exam, there were no girls there. What's up with that? Can girls even do Alchemy?"  The teenage voice again.

"Of course girls can do Alchemy Ed! What, do you think science is sexist?!"

I pulled away from the door, my face getting red.

"I really should stop listening.. seems pretty important," I giggled, wiping a tear from my eye. "but that's not the type of person i am." I whispered, an evil smirk appearing accross my face. Slowly, i pressed my ear against the door, listening carefully for any more talking. To my surprise, it was totally silent. My eyes widened and i jumped back, realizing that their conversation was over and that they were on their way out. I was actually eager to see who the people talking inside the room were. I stood there, waiting for the door to open. When it did, It was almost the strangest thing i had seen in a while.

 hiya! sorry for a really really short chapter ^^ i hope you continue to read on :)

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