Conflict 12: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

   "I-I don't really dance" She blushed, "In public anyway"

   "Don't worry about it, sunflower" He offered his hand, "With me, nobody will be laughing at you. I promise"

   She observed him. There was something with the way he spoke. And his smile, it was almost like that of a child's who killed ants for fun. Nonetheless, she reluctantly agreed by taking his hand.

   He led her to the dance floor where he whispered, "It's okay, just relax. I'll lead, all right?" She nodded quietly. Almost obediently.

   As they danced across the room, Name could feel it. She shrunk beneath everyone, seriously, everyone's surprised eyes. She even caught a glimpse of Alfred whose eyes glared at her partner.

   "Ignore everyone. Rest your head on my chest if you want" She did just that. She couldn't look at anyone's astonished face. Among those was probably her ex-boyfriend whom she brutally clocked in the jaw.

   "You're warm" She heard the Russian mutter quietly through her hair.


   "You're warm, sunflower."

   She wanted to ask him again what he was trying to imply, but then saw the peaceful, childlike smile on his face. Not maniacal or psychotic, but warm and kind like he finally found something that made him feel at ease. She kept her lips closed until the end of the dance.

   "Thank you for the dance, sunflower. I've never had that much fun in years" Ivan squeezed her shoulders before walking away with his scarf flowing behind him like hair. She watched his back until she was pulled to yet another broad chest.

   "Dudette, you're okay!" Alfred exclaimed. He along with Matthew, Gilbert and Ludwig had approached her after the song ended.

   "I don't really see why I shouldn't be" Once again, she struggled to breathe in his hold.

   "Are you feeling all right, frau?" Gilbert asked, surprisingly showing concern. His arrogance was gone, his smirk as well. Instead his brows were furrowed.

   "I'm fine, what is it with you guys?" She shrugged out of Alfred's hug.

   "You danced with Ivan" Matthew's soft voice held a sigh, "That's what's with them"

   "What?" She stared at them in disbelief.

   "Did that cold-hearted puppy-killer hurt you?" Alfred cupped her face in his palms. She removed them.

   "I'm fine. I don't see why you guys are freaking out. Ivan's nice"

   "Nuh-uh!" Alfred began talking about how much and why he hated the Russian, but his speech eventually turned away from its path and he started talking about burgers and rainbow-colored candies. The girl rolled her eyes but laughed at his gestures and overall childishness.

   However, Alfred was cut short when Gilbert strangled him with an arm around the neck and shoulders.

   "Alfred, bro, may I have a talk with you in private, please?" He hissed but grinned at you "Excuse us, for a moment" He then dragged the American away in a corner, leaving the young woman with Matthew and Ludwig.

   "You guys have your hands full with them, huh?" She said, facing the two. However, she had caught them staring at her for whatever reason that she didn't know. She raised a brow and they looked away with flushed cheeks.

   "Are you two okay?"


   "Never better"

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