Chapter 25: After Party

Start from the beginning

"So, what do you need help on?" Meisu asked. "I'm not sure, you can grate that chunk of cheese over there." Flan said. Meisu looked at the small chunk of cheese and said "Okay, sure. I can do that." Meisu said and began to grate the cheese.

"So, Flan. Are you going to join any clubs this year?" Meisu asked. "Clubs? Hmm.. Never thought of that." Flan answered. "I'm still thinking on which club I'm going to join. It's just that there are so many to chose from. I remember last year I picked one too many clubs, and I barely even had time for myself." Meisu said. "Oh wow. Well, no, we haven't thought about joining a club." Flan said.

"Have you ever thought of creating one?" Meisu asked. Flan stopped stirring the pasta to think. "Actually, no I haven't. But, what could I possibly create a club out of?" Flan asked. "I don't know. Something a lot of girls would like to join; something to make girls better." Meisu said. "What exactly do you mean by better?" Flan asked. "Well some girls have low self esteem and secretly need a bit of counseling." Meisu said. "You're right... That doesn't sound so bad, after all. I'll let Ginger and Lolly know. Thanks, Meisu." Flan said. "Anytime." Meisu answered.

After a few minutes, dinner was ready. "Okay, gamers. Dinner is served! Macaroni Gratin a la Ishii. You guys are going to love tonights dinner! Main dish is Macaroni Gratin; I also have tempura, egg rolls, and for dessert I bought this delicious triple chocolate cake! Almost worth going out to a fancy restaurant except it's made at home by me!" Flan said. "Mmm!" they said rushing to the table.

"This is so good it's making my taste buds tingle." Ginger said. "This Macaroni Gratin is the best. I've never tried it before and I'm not disappointed." Akio said. "The egg rolls are better than I expected. Especially with the sweet sauce." Bunmei said. "This meal was excellent." Meisu and Lolly said at the same time by accident. "Thank you all for your nice comments. And now for the chocolate cake!"

They finished eating and went to the livingroom to play some video games.

"So.. What's the point of the game?" Meisu asked.

"Well, the storyline of the game is about a dying king, right?"


"Well, unfortunately, that king is dying. So! The kingdom has this way of choosing a king if their current king is dying; which is by sending 10 men on a quest and the one who finds out the mystery about the quest gets to be king." Bunmei explained.

"Okay, then. What's your username?" Ginger asked.

"BartholomewBuffoon." Bunmei said and everybody started laughing.

"Really, Bunmei? Out of all the es you could choose from it had to be Bartholomew Buffon. Wow." Lolly said.

"Why did you pick that name? I thought you were going to choose something like PizzaCat." Meisu said.

"Hey that's funny. My nephew calls me that sometimes." Flan said.

"Well, the other names were kind of medieval to me, so the first name that came to my mind was BartholomewBuffoon." Bunmei said.

"I don't think I'd want my ruler to be called Bartholomew Buffoon. It sounds a bit immature." Ginger said.

"Hello! It's Bunmei, what do you expect?" Lolly said.
"Thanks, doll." Bunmei said.
"It's not a compliment, hon." Lolly said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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