Chapter 2: Moving In To Tanatchi

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When they got home, they started packing their things. The moving truck was coming the next morning. They didn't have that many things so they just packed a few things.
Flan packed books, stuffed animals, pictures, clothing, blankets, craft materials, her sketchbook, and a portable lamp. Ginger packed 2 packs of marshmellows, a blanket with a kawaii snowman, a pocket knife to keep in her room, a flashlight because she is afraid of the dark and needs to get up multiple times at night, and food for Tabby. And Lolly just packed her important personal belongings and collectibles.

Their families lit up lanterns and released them to the sky, symbolizing blessings on their journey, and camped out in their field.

Before they went to sleep, they gazed up at the nebulas and stars.
"Yes Ginger?"
"Will you miss being away from home? You know, the quiet nights in the fields, the birds greeting us in the mornings, our daily routines. Our big families" Ginger's voice started cracking into tears.
"Oh Ginger!" Flan said holding her
"I just dont really want to leave."
"Ginger, look at me" Flan said holding her chin up
"Both me and Lolly, will miss this. I guarantee you that. But just picture, that one day, we will be back home, these fields we roam in today, we can roam tomorrow, because they will always belong to us. And one day, we will get married, and have our children roam in these fields too. And the story will continue for generations. But it all has to start with us. You just have to hang on 4 years, but if that seems like too much, do what we used to when we were little, remember?"
They both sat up and chanted together "No matter how far, seas appart, or desserts to cross. Just know that you will never be lost. " then they smiled and Ginger hugged Flan. "Thank you Flan" she whispered. And Flan tucked Ginger in to bed.

Flan went to sleep thinking about her future starting tomorrow. She went to sleep so fast, that the moment she closed her eyes, it was already time to get up.

It was 8 in the morning. They kissed their families goodbye and loaded the truck with their boxes.
On the way there, they were sleeping. Until the driver woke them up and said "You girls are pretty lucky to live here. Tanatchi is one of the most beutiful places in Japan. But very few people live here. The area is completely unpolluted, so the atmosphere is healthy." she explained. The girls admired the city. There was a river between it and people had to get over it by a tram without a bottom road, which was kind of scaring Ginger. The shops were small, but various. And the plants in the area gave the city multiple beautiful tones of green. No wonder the area is unpolluted.
Many men unloaded the truck and helped them three to get off.
"Such gentlemen." Lolly complemented, and Flan slighly punched her shoulder and they all giggled.
"Well, here we are...home.." Flan still wasn't used to calling the house her home, but she was sure that soon she will.
The doorbell rang. A woman with short black hair and glasses dressed in a fancy suit was there. "I dont know this woman." Ginger said. "Ginger just open the door, we're gonna be recieving many visits from members of the government from now on." Lolly reminded "Oh right." Ginger said realizing what Lolly said was true. She opened the door with a big smile "HI" she said. The lady looked a bit creeped but still delivered her message.

"Goodmorning, I am Moi-shi, your financial agent. And your law assistant." Flan and Lolly rushed to the door, jumping over boxes and trash bags. "The first thing the government would like to provide you as a gift for your new home are the following commodities listed on this clipboard. Just chek the ones that you would like to recieve, and they will be delivered in a beat." She said handing a clipboard. They went over it quickly not to make Moi-shi wait. "We'll take all the commodities please." Flan said handing it back to Moi-shi.
She yelled something in japanese. Moments later five trucks pulled up in their driveway and Ninja like people dropped off many boxes in their house really fast!
"Thank you. But, can we get some help decorating. "Oh yes, darling, we have teams of home decorators that not even I can count. Soshoku no chimu wa kumitate!" she spoke something into a walkie talkie, and the trucks onloaded again with teams of home decorating people who unpacked with them and decorated the house just how Flan, Ginger and Lolly wanted it. It all took about hours. By the time they were finished it was 1 o clock.
"Thank you for everything Moi-shi." they said. "No problem girls. Oh! One more thing." she handed them cards that changed color when you moved them around "What are these?" "Those are just debit cards for you. They get reloaded with $10,000 each month." she explained. They jumped around and hugged each other. Moi-shi bowed and left. "Oh, and one more thing, if you need anything, give me a call." Moi-shi said handing them 3 of her buisness cards.

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