Chapter 7: Flan's New Enemy?

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Flan walked to her first period Algebra. "Ohayo." the teacher said. "Ohayo Honda-shi." Flan said bowing. "Come in, its okay, you're only five minutes late." she said. Flan entered the room and she could already feel her ears heating up as her classmates stared at her down. "Class, this is your newest classmate, what is your name?" she asked. Flan said "Konnichiwa, my name is Ishii, Flan." she said. Quickly a girl with straight long, black hair, took a peice of gum out of her mouth and said "Sumimasen, Honda-shi, but what kind of name is Flan? That's not even a traditional Japanese name. Where are you from? Central America?" She insulted. Flan gave a phony smile at the girl "Excuse me, but I am a full japanese girl, born in Kyoto, Japan. And just because my mother named me after her favorite dessert which is hispanic, doesn't mean that I'm from a hispanic country. Not that I have anything against. What is your name, Miss Smackmouth?" she asked, the class went Ooooh, and the girl stood up to Flan and said. "I am Tomingana, Hina. I'm sure that's traditional japanese." Flan walked up to her and said "And I am sure I do not care." Then the class went oooh again, Hina got red at all the humiliation "Let me explain to you why you should care-" Hina said the teacher separated Hina from Flan aleady knowing where this was going.
"Ladies, this is not a good first impression-"
"It's crystal clear Honda-shi, but it's too late now. Please just tell me where there's a free seat and I'll leave Tomingana-san alone." Flan said still staring at Hina. "Uh, yes, Ishii-san, umm, Koharu, can Ishii-san sit by you?" "No thank you, Honda-shi." Flan frowned and felt embarrassed at what happened earlier. "Takeida-kun. Can Ishii-san sit next to you?" Flan knew exactly who that was without having to take his hood off, she recognized his voice and grined. He looked up at the teacher and said.
"Ofcourse she can." then he smiled at Flan. It was Meisu. Hina was shocked at how simple Meisu's answer was. "But Meisu! You're the most popular boy in school! How are you gonna let her sit next to you?! That is so inhuman!" Hina said. "I'll have you know Hina, Flan is a very good dessert. And Ishii-san's mother named her like that because she knows Flan has a sweet heart." he said smiling down at Flan, and she blushed.
"For how long have ya'll known each other?" Hina asked hostiley. "Let it go, Hina!; yeah! Meisu never liked you anyways!; Leave him alone!; It's his life, not yours; So what if he likes Flan." Random people started yelling at her. Hina got red with humiliation and fury. She sat down. Meisu will never be yours. He is mine, and only mine! And I will fight for as long as possible, to make him mine, and make you suffer... I swear Ishii-san. Hina said to herself.

"I was going to invite you to sit by me earlier, until I saw what desparate Hina started." Meisu said
"What's her problem?" Flan asked organizing her things.
"She's obsessed with me and sees every new girl as a threat. She's against most of the girls here. That girl needs help." Meisu said nodding his head
"Oh wow..." Flan said a bit annoyed
"She has to rub in everyone's face, that she's The richest girl in school Tomingana, Hina! I just hate it." Meisu said.
"But let's not talk about her. Can I see your schedule?" Meisu said. Flan handed him hee schedule and he quickly compared it to his. "Awesome! We have 5 out of 8 periods together." Meisu added
"Yay!" Flan said in a squeaky voice.
"Look at him, Koharu. Smiling and flirting. Looking all cute and stuff. What does he see in her!? She's a dumb flat chested nerd!" Hina told her best friend. "You shouldn't be talking, cuz yours aren't that big either. To be honest, her's are bigger than yours." Koharu said.
"Shut up, you irrelevant soul! You're supposed to support me!" Hina hissed "It's not my fault he's never found you attractive. In fact, they make a very nice couple." Koharu said. Hina started getting irritated "Well if you weren't such a smartmouth, you wouldn't have been single the past years of your meaningless life!" Hina told Koharu. "Well, school is not a dating cafe! I came here to get a stupid degree to get somewhere in life and not stay at the bottom with 4 kids at the age of 17! Which is the same road you're heading to, Hina. I am so sick and tired of your obsessed, selfish self, Tomingana-san! I'm not your bestie anymore. All you think about is stupid Meisu! And I HOPE they get together!" Koharu said picking up her stuff and moving to another seat. "Screw you, Koharu! I can survive highschool without you!" Hina said.
This is just getting better by the minute... She took my man, and she dragged my best friend away from me. Now I know what a great friend Koharu is... Well played, Flan... Well played, but two can play the same game that's not over yet..
Hina told herself.

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