Chapter 3: A Day In Tanatchi

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"All this money is just overwhelming!" Flan said. "Let's go out for a stroll around the city! It'll be great! And then when we come home, we can send pictures and post cards to our parents back home!" Ginger suggested "That doesnt sound bad." Lolly commented. They looked at Flan waiting for an answer. "Okay we can go. Sounds fun!" they went Yay! and ran to get ready.

Flan wore a white sweater with a hood that looked like a cat with ears, light denim shorts, and black thigh high socks and white knee high converse.

Lolly wore a blue shirt that had the LA hand symbol, a purple skirt with jean converse.

And Ginger wore peach capri bottoms, with a colorful T Shirt that had ice cream prints on it, and neon yellow vans.

They left the house and walked off to the center of the city.

"I found maps!" Lolly announced "Great. Take one so we know where to get around. At least for now." And Lolly took one, they all read it for a moment. "First off, we need to get some lunch. I'm starving." Flan said "Okay Flan. Umm... Look! I found it! Let's go to Lil' Bento! Description: Japanese lunch and grocery." Ginger read. "Perfect! Let's get ourselves some lunch!" Lolly said. And they waited at the Tram station for about 3 minutes.

"I haven't seen you girls around? Are you new in town?" The tram driver asked "Yes. We came here for an educational opportunity from the government." Flan explained
"Oh. Were you the ones who won the lottery?"
"Yes sir." Lolly said
"Oh well congratulations. My name is Gushiken-shi."
"Hajimemashite Gushiken-shi." The girls said
"I am Ishii-san, Flan"
"I am Yui-san, Lolly"
"And I am Mori-san, Ginger!"
"Hajimemashite Mori-san, Yui-san, Ishii-san. Where would you like to go today?" Gushiken-shi asked.
"We'd like to go to Lil' Bento." Flan said
"Great. We'll arrive there in about 5 minutes. Along the ride I can tell you girls the best dishes they have in Lil' Bento. Good pick by the way."
"Thank you. Our favorite meal is lunch. It's our first time going there, can you suggest us some dishes we might like?"
"Sure. One of my favorites are the egg rolls. They have a sweet sauce to spice it up a little bit. You should try it."
"That dish is for Yui-san." Ginger said giggling
"They have various kinds of onigiri. I'm going to let you choose."

They talked all the way to the restaurant.

"Kansha Gushiken-shi." they thanked him.
"No problem girls, it was very nice to meet you."

"Well, atleast we made 1 friend today. Hahaha." Ginger said
"There it is!" Flan pointed at the restaurant. It had a kawaii bento that was driving Ginger insane!
"OOOOOHHHH! MMMYYYY GODDDD! ITS SO KAWAII!" Ginger said. She started jumping around stomping and screaming. Lolly ran to hold her calm "Shhh, calm down Ginger. Maybe they sell some kawaii things in there, and i will buy you one. Now, I'm offering to buy you one, because, as far as im concerned, you will buy everything you see here. But you have to calm down. You hear?" Lolly soothed her and Ginger went "mmhm" in understanding. She moved around a little bit to let every emotional meltdown go away. "Are you good now? We can't go into the restaurant with a thirteen year old psycho!" Flan reminded "Yes Ishii-san, im calm now." Ginger informed. They walked in. There were sushi bars and shelves with packed food for people to buy. "Welcome to Lil' Bento. The best lunch in Tanatchi." A girl said with a big smile. "How may I help you?" She asked. Flan smiled and told her "Table for three please." the girl looked concerned and asked "Would you mind if we give you a table for four? We dont have tables for three, eventhough we should." "It's fine." she said. "Okay. This way please." she said opening a little door from the front desk. The girl escorted them to the table. Lolly, Flan, and Ginger sat down at a table for four. "Your waitress will be here in a few minutes. The restaurant is a bit buisy today, but we'll give you our best service. For now, you can go over our menu and start figuring out what you'd like to order." she bowed and left back to her place. The restaurant was a bit crowded.

"Ooh! They have ramen!" Lolly said with delight
"Mochi!" Ginger said squinting with cuteness
"Sashimi!" Flan said with excitement.

Moments later, a waitress approached the table.
"Konnichiwa, my name is Moi-san, Kandi, and I will be your waitress today!" she said with excitement and a big smile. She had blue hair with two little buns on her head. "Can I get you something to drink?" Kandi asked "What's on the kid's menu?" Flan asked "We have Happy-juice--" "We'll take one for her please. And I would like some orange juice. And... Flan?" "Oh. I'll just get a fruit punch" Flan said. "Splendid. And what will you be ordering today?"
"I'll take ramen please. With some egg rolls and sweet soy sauce." Lolly ordered
"I'd like Onigiri and California Rolls" Ginger asked.
"And I'd like sushimi." Flan said at last.
"Awesome! Your order will be right up. Could I interest you with Tempura as your apetizer?" Kandi asked
"Yes, please. We'd love to." Lolly said.
Kandi put a fresh plate of shrimp tempura, aranged into a shape making it look like a flower. "Mmm!" Ginger said. The sparkle in her eyes made it look like a shark's eyes when they smelled flesh.

"Oh no. Ginger... Resist.." Lolly said.
"Lolly...get her." Flan said.
"TEMPUR--" Gunger tackled the plate. But soon enough, just about when she was about to get her hands on it. Lolly got up from her seat and dragged her back to her chair.
"Tempura! I want tempura!" "Ginger! Calm down. It's not all for you. Behave!" she said. Ginger took a deep breath and sat down.
"whoooh, okay.. Im calm now." she said. "She's good Lolly, let her go" and she sat back down. "Gomen'nasai, she goes nearly unstoppably crazy whenever she sees something she really likes." Flan said. "Oh, its okay. It sometimes happens to me whenever something has to do with my favorite J-Pop group. I will be back" Kandi said. The girls fixed themselves and started binging on the tempura. "This has got to be the best tempura I have ever eaten." Lolly said. Ginger was in kawaii land with every bite of the tempura. Ginger loves tempura.

After they ate the tempura, they sat there waiting patiently. "How about if we just kill time?" Lolly requested. "Doing what? I'm all out of tempura." she said pouting and playing with the crumbs on the plate. "I mean, we can go to the shop right here." Lolly said. "Yeah. We can, after all the food will still be there when we get back." Flan said. Ginger nodded and they all stood up.
They looked around. Ginger walked around and took a great big gasp. Getting the impulse to yell "KAAAAWAIIIII!"
"Ginger! Be quiet!--oh my..." Lolly looked in shock at all the shelves and shelves of bento boxes with various prints of kawaii. Food with anime faces, colorful animals, and colorful backgrounds.
"Which one do I get? Do I get the pandas? No. I'll get the one with the candy rainbow with the kitten. But this bunny one is cute!--hmm..." she frowned "Yui-san. Which one do I get?" Ginger asked. "I have no idea, Ginger. There are way to many for me to pick from... OH MY GOD IT'S TOTORO!"
While Lolly and Ginger were flipping over the bento boxes, Flan was looking through the market. "Oh my. The prices are a bit too high." she thought to herself. "Ishii-san!!!" Lolly and Ginger ran to Flan overloaded with bento boxes. "Which ones should we buy? They have Olaf, Totoro, Ponyo, Hello kitty, Rainbows, candy. WHICH ONES??" Ginger asled "This is extremely important for our school year! I want to be the most kawaii girl in school!" Ginger demanded. "Didn't you two remember? We get payed 8 thousand dollars a month! We can buy all of the ones you're holding." and they did.
When they got back to the table Ginger was grinning with happiness. Kandi walked out of the kitchen with a kart with their favorite dishes.
"Here you go. One Happy-juice, orange juice, fruit punch, Ramen noodles, egg rolls with sweet soy sauce, onigiri, california rolls, and sashimi. Tanoshimimasu." Kandi said placing the plates on the table. "Kansha" they bowed, and as Kandi left, they started eating. "I LOVE IT!" Ginger said "This is great." Lolly said "Best food ever" Flan studdered with her mouth full that made it sound like Beh-hoo-ebuw.

They left a good tip for Kandi, and payed for their meal and they strolled around the city. "Where do we go now? The sun is setting." Ginger asked Flan. "Hmm.. Oh! Yes. I need to pass by the supermarket. I need ingredients in our pantry to cook." Flan said. "Who needs to cook when you can carry a bag of marshmellows around all day! OM NOM NOM" Ginger said stuffing marshmellows in her mouth. Lolly stared at her a bit creeped.
"Umm, Ginger? Where and how have you been carrying that around all day?" Lolly asked "Silence, Yui-san. Thou shall not question my paranormal greatness." Ginger demanded. "I shall not." Lolly agreed. "Well, we're here." Lolly said. "Let's take what we need and go. I'm already sleepy." Lolly said. "Oh c'mon Lolly. Tomorrow is when all the adventure starts..." her voice faded as her sight caught a beutiful thing.

Sweetness Vol.1: New LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora