Chapter 2

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   I can't believe that it has been exactly 3 years since I found my mate cheating on me.

   I still bear his mark but we never completed the mating process so I could always fall in love and i can't feel everything he is feeling but I know he hasn't cheated on me again.

    If he cheated on me and i wasn't able to physically see it my mate mark would start glowing and stinging. If I saw him it would be to soon. But it's not like it would be counted as cheating when I want to complete the rejection which will be complicated because I will have to go back to him.

Lately we've been staying and straying close by a pack known as Shinning Stone pack, the third strongest pack in the world that consist of roughly around 500 pack members and so far they haven't caught us which works out nicely.  But I was meaning to ask their alpha if we could become pack guards so we have somewhere to stay and so Jacob will be safe and have someone to watch over him if anything was to happen to the me and the girls.

As the bell rings signaling the end of my classes I slowly make my way to the border line for neutral territory and alpha Archer's pack. I know that I may not get what I came for but I need to be able to keep Jacob safe when I'm no longer here. So here goes nothing.

Making the decision, I cross the line and wait there a few minutes, soon I am immediately surrounded by guards. "Hello fellas. I was wondering if you could take me to your alpha. I'd like to have a little talk with him about something important if you don't mind." I say loud enough.

A big dark brown wolf who smells of Beta came forward. "State your name, rank and your business with the Alpha." Straight forward and to the point, I'm gonna like this guy.

"Well, I'm Arden, I'm currently rogue and I have business with the Alpha not the second rate." God I don't have time for this. Jacob will be out of school soon.

A few snickers went around at my comment until the Beta growled threateningly. After a few moments of silence I smelled a new scent. Finally they called someone else.

"You are dismissed, I can handle the rogue." As soon as the alpha finished all the wolves had scattered in different directions probably to get to their assignments or something.

"Hello Arrow. It's nice to see you again. How's your mother? I heard she was getting better?" It's been years since I've seen Archer but he's still the same little boy I remembered. Long black hair, big emerald green eyes and a slight tan covering his face. In seconds I'm surrounded by big strong arms.

"Geez Den, I haven't seen you since that time you 'accidentally pushed me down the old well.  My mother's fine, she's doing a lot better than before and the pack doctor says she'll recover in no time. Anyway what brings you hear?"

"The thing is you see, I may have or might not have runaway with my little brother three years ago . . . and now we need a place to stay. I can feel them coming Archer. The old lady from back then, she keeps dreamscaping and entering my dreams. It's the same thing every time 'Run Arden, they are coming for Jacob. Hide away somewhere safe, somewhere they can't find you.' I'm sick and tiring of running and I was hoping you would let us join your pack." Everything was true, that old bat wouldn't leave me alone and she sounded like a damn broken record.

"Yeah sure, I would love for you guys to join my pack and I expect to be filled in on everything later as well. You go back and get everything and I'll prepare your rooms."

"Thanks Arrow, I have two other people traveling with me and Jacob and they also need a place to stay. So you probably should prepare a few more rooms." He shakes his head at me.

"Leave it to you to pick up the strays around the neighborhood, but sure I'll have everything ready for when you guys arrive later tonight. Now go and get everything ready."

At his dismissal I jumped, transforming midair and landed on all fours. We can finally settle down, no more running and hiding. I can't wait to tell everyone the good news.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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