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     Means girls: by Rachael Crow
               Pic of Blake

      Blake's pov

~~~~~~~~~ 1 year ago

I had just finished cleaning the floor in the kitchen when pack members came in covered in dirt. They just shook it off like they didn't know I had been cleaning, I mean come on they have werewolf smelling so they could smell what I used to clean.

I would love to just yell at all of them and curse them out but for one, if i yelled at them they would abuse me physically and verbally again and secondly, I don't curse, like at all. I mean I say arse but it's just a clean way of saying a bad word.

Back to what I was saying, I hated this pack probably more than I hated life and that's saying a lot.

Letting out a relieved breath once they've left the kitchen I clean the floor AGAIN and quickly go to my room in case they decided it would be fun to play 'see how many times we can smack Blake until she begins to cry' or 'kick the ugly girl who can't shift into a werewolf'.

As soon as I enter my room the smell of must and rotting wood hits my nose and instantly I'm calm again. My room wasn't anything special, I mean it was the attic that was falling apart and it sometimes reeked of death. I don't care though, it's the only place where I'm safe from all their taunting.

Blake, get this place shining and ready for when the alpha's son gets here. The beta, Xavier, mind linked me.

Out of all the people here, he's the only one that actually gives a damn about my well being, but he won't go against the alpha because like everyone else here their afraid of him.

Ok. Xave, be down in a sec.

Hurry, I don't want you to get in trouble for not having everything ready for Carlos's arrival.

It's ok, I'll be fine and done before you can say Peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.

I cut off the link and hurry downstairs to the cabinets with all the decorations and supplies for things like this.

Today's a great day. Don't you think so, Blake? Ariel, my wolf said.

For some reason she has been happy all morning and honestly it's kind of scaring me because she is never like this.

What has got you so happy?

I don't know, I just have this feeling that something good is coming, you know.

No, I don't know, and you know that. When has anything good ever happened to me, us?

Yeah your right but I just can't shake this feeling.

I had been feeling the same thing and it's scaring me. I haven't felt like this since my family was alive. Like the times when my dad, Austin, used to chase me and my brother, Ryder, around the back yard in his wolf form. We would all laugh and I would run around screaming 'the big bad wolf is after me'.

Oh those were the days. Quickly I wiped the tear that manages to escape and slid down my cheek. The treacherous little thing.

But now everything is different, mom, dad and Ryker are gone and I'll never get to smell mom's snicker doodle cookies after a long day of running from the boys and I'll never get to hear dad laugh about how I act and sound just like him or how he'd have to keep the boys at bay when I'm older.

But most of all I'll never get to sleep with Ryker when I've had a nightmare or because the storm outside frightened me.

Okay, our trip down memory lane is over and we are now stopping at reality road.

As I'm just putting the last bit of streamers up i hear a couple people walk into the room.

Suddenly I'm on the floor and there is a searing pain in may side and my head. I look up to come fast to fist with none other than alpha's son, Carlos.

"S-st-to-op please "i stuttered out from the pain.

"Get up you little whore and show me your mark." Carlos spat in my face.

He must have seen my confused face because he said "your werewolf mate mark you fat whore."

Oh, but why would he want to see my mate mark. Oh my god, what if they found a rogue with the same mark and they want to use me as bait. Well they should know it won't work. I mean what person good or bad would want a 'fat ugly whore' like me.

No one that's who. No sane person or even any insane person would want me as a mate.

Come on just look at me. My lips are to big and dark pink, my hair is a curly fire-y mess, my cheeks are pale and chunky and i don't have any kind of curves. All i got are layers of body fat that are waiting (very patiently might i add) to become abs of some sort.

I lifted the side of my shirt and there was an intake of breath before i was flung across the room.

"No, this can't be happening. Why would the moon goddess give me a weak, useless whore like you " Carlos screamed in my face.

Ariel, what the fudge nuggets is he talking about?

Well duh he's obviously our mate.

That can't be he's a-a-a monster.

Hey i never said he'd be a good one. I mean I've seen a girl get slaughtered by her mate and mother.

The sound of skin on skin and the increasing pain on my cheek snapped me out of my daze.

"Are you even listening you piece of donkey shit!" Carlos yelled in my face sending some spit flying on my nose.

"Okay Carlos, that's enough for now. I think she gets the point." A familiar voice called out.

As soon as the words left his lips i was thrown across the room and Carlos was lifting Xavier into the air with a death grip on his neck.

Come on Blake think of something quick, use that brain of yours. I thought to myself.

"P-ple-ea-s-se d-don't h-hur-rt h-hi-im." I whimpered pathetically.

"Don't you DARE tell me what to do you bloody little orphan."

I went to get up and try to stop him but in the blink of an eye Carlos brought Xave down and decapitated him.

Tears started flowing freely down my face. At this point i didn't care if they saw me cry anymore.

How would you react if the only person you considered family was beheaded by the man who is supposed to love to infinity and beyond.

Exactly, not so well.

When i got up to beat the living trash out of Carlos i was held back by . . . none other than alpha Patrick.

Oh poop!

"Why do you hate me so much!?" I screamed tears flowing down my cheeks full force now.

"Why, why? Well maybe because your weak, ugly, oh a whore, and pathetic. Oh and because your killed her!!!!!" He screamed.

I finally escaped alphas Patrick's grip i ran blindly, my tears had stopped but my cheeks were still red and stained from crying and getting slapped.

When i had finally stopped running i wiped my eyes dry. I looked around to find myself by a beautiful waterfall.

I couldn't help myself, it was like i wasn't in control and i jumped in and headed straight under and through the waterfall to a cave glistening in the last rays of sun light.

I decided to lay down and get some sleep. As soon as my head was down the darkness consumed me in a matter of seconds.

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