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Picture of Cam

Cameron's pov

~~~~~~ 2 years ago

Tori can you meet me in my office?

I'll be right there alpha Cameron. Just give me a sec.

Sure. And please just call me cam. No titles needed.

Yes alp ... I mean Cam.

I cut off the link and went back to work on the giant stack of papers that have been piling up lately. Soon enough there is a knock at the door.

You know you don't have to knock, Tori. You are the beta.

"How long have you been at that stack of papers, Cam? Have you even taken a nap or slept in the last 4 days?" Tori questioned, her voice laced with concern.

"Honestly, no but you know I don't need it." I replied coldly.

"You can't keep doing this. What would your mother say about this." Tori said softly.

Before she could even blink I had my hands wrapped around her throat and her back against the wall, a foot or two in the air.

"Don't you ever bring up my mother when speaking to me. You need to learn some respect for your alpha, pup. I'm the big boss here, you listen to me. Don't ever get it twisted." I shouted darkly as if i wasn't in control, and neither was my wolf.

As if a switch had been flipped i released her and backed up slowly.

Did i just . . . no . . . oh my god. I just choked Tori. I almost killed her. I gotta get outta here.

I ran to the door never taking my eyes of of Tori as she tried to catch her breath. As soon as i was close enough, I turned around and shifted running out the house and into my one place of comfort.

I ran blindly through the forest tripping over twigs and branches every here and there.

If you would have saw me, you'd think. I had been living in the forest for years.

I had cuts and dirt everywhere, my clothes were torn into shreds and my hair ws sticking everywhere with sticks and branches sticking out.

Finally after running through the forest for a few hours I stop at the lake right behind my territory, on neutral land. The water is a crystal clear waterfall with a hidden cave that only I know about.

I discovered it after I had gotten into an argument with Tori about the beta position. She didn't want it but I would only have her as my beta.

~ Flashback ~

"Come on Tori. You know you're the only person I trust to take this position. I won't have anyone else be beta." I shouted at her in a burst of frustration.

"Can, you know I'm to young. I'm only 13 for god sake . . ."

"Don't think your the only one. I'm 4 months younger than you, god dam it so how do you think I feel about this whole situation , huh. Did you even think about how there death affected me, did you!" I screamed into her face

"You know I don't want to have a big responsibility hanging over my head. I want to live a life where I van have a childhood before I can't anymore." She says calmly, putting her hand through her hair showing how stressed she is.

"Did you ever think I wanted my childhood too. That I wanted to play pranks on unsuspecting pack members, to stay up all night with you and the guys and watch movies. That's all I wanted, but am I able to do that? No, because I have to grow up and take care of over 300 people because someone decided that it would be fun to kill my parents and watch the pack struggle to survive 'without' an alpha leading them.

~End of flashback ~

I shift into my wolf which I got at the age of 10 unlike other people.

My wolf was a goldish bright yellow color that is said to be the color of a lycans fur.

When I first shifted it was in the middle of the night and through the whole thing I didn't scream out in pain. My whimpers were like whispers in the wind.

My parents had found me the next morning in wolf form.

To say they were shocked would be an understatement. My mother, Nikola, had fainted at the sight.

I jump into the crystal clear water and head for the hidden cave behind the waterfall.

The water is ice cold. It sent shivers up my spine as I swam.

As I entered the cave the final rays of sunlight disappeared as I let the darkness swallow me whole and wait for it to take me to tomorrow.

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