Becoming broken

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Picture of alpha Bryan

Arden's Pov

~~~~~~~ 3 years ago

Arden, come to my office this instant. I need you to come get your brother while I have a meeting with the alpha from diamond moon pack. Mother said through the mind-link.

I'll be right up.


I put my plate in the sink and cleaned of the little mess on the table that I had made before going upstairs to my fathers office.

When I got to the office I just walked right in. I stopped mid step when all heads turned to me.

Suddenly a vicious growl had all the men in the room turning away.

I look to see where the growl had come from when my eyes lock with the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen then they moved to my mark that was showing on my waste.

Feeling the tension in the room, Jerome, my father's beta went to hand, Jacob, my little brother to me when yet another vicious growl came and instantly I was pulled away from Jerome into a strong pair of arms.

Tingles shot up and down my back. I looked up to come face to face with the alph of diamond moon.

I was shocked into silence when he put his head in the croak of my neck and mumbled mine loud enough for everyone in the room to here.

Mom, can you give me a hand here?

I looked up to see myother sending glares in my direction.
Wow if looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under.

"Arden, please take Jacob to his room now." she commanded.

Another vicious growl tore through the air as alpha Bryan pulled me in even more closer blocking my view of everything.

"Sorry to interrupt, but miss Arden, Morgan is here and is waiting down stairs for you ma'am." Charles, the gamma said.

Giving alpha Bryan a kiss on the cheek and shocking him enough that his grip loosens enough for me to slither out and run down stairs.

Once I make it down the stairs a loud growl tears through all the noise and the house shakes very slightly but just enough where objects fall to the floor.

I look arond the living room until my eyes land on Morgan, my best friend. But before I can go to her strong arms wrap around my waist. As i struggle to get free Morgan turned around and began laughing.

"It's not funny Morgan!" I yelled but it only made her laugh harder.

I turn around to look at Bryan with a smirk on his face.

I wanted to wipe that smirk off so bad but cassy, my wolf wouldn't let me because it might piss of our mate.

Uggh, females.

I was about to say something when he picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs and in to my room.

As soon as he placed me on the bed I moved into the opposite side from him.

I saw him frown and saw the hurt flash in his eyes before it became sadness.

I wanted so baddly to go over to him and apologize for causing him hurt but I forced myself not to.

"You don't want me?" He said, more like a statement.

"W-what? I never said that. I love you already, as crazy as it sounds but it's true. Infact you can mark me now if you want to just so you know I'm yours." I said sliding over and wrapping my arms around him.

The Broken, Bruised, And BetrayedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant