Chapter Thirteen: Human

Start from the beginning

As the small flakes fell to the ground it seemed to leave a more eerie silence. Something that would have been so peaceful and beautiful was now just chilling and lonely.

"Ahy!" She heard someone yell and she whipped her head to the sound.

Across the street was a tall young woman waving her arms frantically. Her blonde hair was held in a high ponytail and dangled behind her as she jerked around trying to get Catharine's attention.

Catharine waved a hand up and continued walking, but when she heard the running steps behind her she turned to face the blonde. "Whatcha think you're doing out here?" the running woman yelled.

All Catharine could do was shrug. "I honestly don't know..."

"Alright, where you living?" she asked. Though Catharine didn't have time to answer when something close growled and the woman pulled from her back a gun. "Stay with me," she said grabbing Catharine and walked into the street.

Both of them looked around, unaware of where the noise was coming till a large beast jumped from a rooftop at them. Two shots went into the monster and then another as it landed on them. "Ugh, this ugly bastard!" the woman cussed as they pushed the heavy creature off of them.

Sitting where she had landed, Catharine stared at the now dead monster. Her face in awe and her hands to her mouth. "Oh, my God," she gasped as she was pulled from the ground.

"Come on, we got to go." She was dragged away around the corner where the blonde knocked at a door.

It was a little old bar with small dark slanted windows. There was a clicking noise from the other side and when the door opened Catharine was pushed in first and then the door closed. She watched as everyone in the bar looked at her.

Then from behind the bar, a man surrounded by the others, asked, "Who's this?"

The girl walked in front of Catharine shrugging. "Don't know, this dummy was outside just walking around." She then turned and held out her hand. "I'm Fiona, everyone just calls me Fee. This big guy's Will." The man behind the counter nodded his baseball cap.

"Cat," she said taking Fee's hand and shaking it. She then turned to the door and said, "You know what you just shot was human right?"

The man from behind the bar scoffed and then fixed his hat. "Sweetie, that things not human anymore."

"No, they're just taking this drug, you shouldn't shot them. I don't think they know what they're doing," Catharine cried. Her heart raced as if she couldn't get the information out fast enough.

Fee put her hand on Catharine's shoulder. "We know."

"Then what are you doing? We need to help these people not kill them."

From behind the bar, Will walked out and sat on a stool and looked at her. "How you know about all this and why were you out wandering the streets?" He asked. "If you were some junkie, let me know."

"Junkie?" she questioned. "No." She didn't know what else to say. She looked around and closely examined the people around her. They all had weapons just sitting in front of them and suddenly it hit her. "You hunters?"

"How you know about hunters?" he asked.

"I'm looking for someone, his name's Xavier."

Then Catharine's heart exploded when from the back she heard Fee say, "Catharine Hopkins?"

Her mouth stood open as she squeaked, "Uh-huh..."

"Oh, no shit. You sit there, I have to make a call," she said and pulled out her phone.

When Fee walked away she looked at the man in the hat who held himself as the leader. "You can't kill those people."

He chuckled. "Honey, they're not human. They chose to take those pills and destroy themselves, their city, and people around them. The assholes taking these; there's no turning back for them."

"And what happens when they turn back?" she protested.

"Those who become frequent users, don't turn back, and they prefer it that way."

A sinking feeling was in her gut. As if it turned into a raging sea about to come back up through her mouth. She wondered if Desmond knew about this and if this was his intention.

'*•.¸('*•.¸ † ¸.•*')¸.•*'

"Are you sure it's her?" Xavier asked to the cell phone on speaker sitting on the counter.

All around him, dark coolers buzzed within the dimly lit store. The small aisles contained things like chips, snacks and candy. Within his hand, he swirled a beer bottle.

"She confirmed it. Will wants to question her, but I told everyone to wait till you came," it was Fee's voice from over the device.

"Sure," he answered and laid the bottle from his hand gently on the counter making sure it made no noise as he put it down. "I'll see you in a few, I'm actually close."

After the call had gone silent he knocked back the rest of the beer. He then popped a mint gum into his mouth and wobbled off the cashier's stool and grabbed the four bottles left leaving a five on the register.

As he walked out the back door he felt a little bit of guilt from taking a few items from the closed store. Though from his buzz he deemed it a service tax for protection, but in a sober mind that would sound a bit immoral.

Out within the streets, he watched as snow fell around him. He groaned about how much he hated the snow and took his cautious descent to the rendezvous point for the hunters to gather.

The pills were starting to be shipped out further into people's hands. As to try and contain the consumption and addiction to Dante's Blood, Lo and Fee had called in William and his large group of hunters. They called themselves a family, a bunch of badass hunters with some interesting backgrounds.

Fee had even lived with them after her family had been killed by vampires and, of course, learned to be a hunter. Their bonds made him jealous, missing his own twin sister and brother, the only people he had left.

It was his time to look for them, the same way they looked at him when he had run away a coward. He knew that Catharine would be able to tell him where they were.

He was upset, knowing that the girl he had met on the swings was a part of the darkness that was brought to the small city. She seemed so normal, but yet she was shrouded with mystery he couldn't even imagine.

When he had learned of who she was on the news, it sickened him. He would have never thought someone that seemed so nice, funny and cute could have done something like that.

When he reached his destination he had tapped on the door and was let in. His eyes peered around and spotted, Catharine sitting at the bar staring at him.

Rage took over him and he grasped his gun and pushed it to her head. "What's a murderer like you asking for me?"

'*•.¸('*•.¸ † ¸.•*')¸.•*'

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