Chapter 15

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So winter break has started and I find myself miserably wedged between Michael and Rae on a ski lift. Riley wasn’t able to make the trip since his mother wanted the family to be together. Family meaning only the three of them and not Michael and his mother. Michael’s mother went to Italy to visit her padre who is Michael’s grandfather. She seemed well enough when we saw her off at the airport but Michael still seemed to worry about her. He was torn between leaving me alone with Rae on the slopes and leaving his mother alone in Italy. In the end, his mother pushed him away and told him to have fun.

We hadn’t planned on inviting him, but since his mother didn’t need him, he thought I would’ve. Maybe he’s still being protective ever since that incident. Or maybe he’s just using that as an excuse to make sure I don’t catch someone else’s unwanted attention.

Please! Like I’m going to cheat on one of the most gorgeous guys on earth. Crush him, yeah. But in order to do that I need to gain his trust. Or so I say. My mind has been leaning towards telling him the truth. That I’m really Kandy and not Dee, even though we’re one and the same.

Rae’s family owned a villa in the mountains so we’re using that as our home base. I swear, there are so many things about Rae I don’t know about. Maybe I might find out a thing or two while we’re on the trip. I’ve never done something so arduous as skiing and felt a bit nervous at not starting on the bunny slopes. I did ask for a ski instructor but Michael kept insisting that he’ll be the one to instruct me. It wasn’t an easy task. I kept tripping and falling flat on my face. Rae easily slid down the slopes as if she were a pro. Michael was stuck with the uncoordinated me.

“See you at the bottom,” Rae called as she expertly timed her jump and raced down the mountainside. I had a feeling she would’ve preferred snowboarding but was probably taking my clumsiness into consideration. If only I were as confident as Rae, I wouldn’t have to think over everything so much. I guess being timid is a big part of my personality that needs work.

I got off the ski lift awkwardly and almost did another face-plant but Michael held on to me tightly and didn’t let go until he knew I gained control of my balance. His body felt warm and comfortable but when he moved away, the cold came rushing in-between us. It reminded me how far apart we still were. Relationship-wise.

“Follow me,” he instructed and I did what I was told. “Keep your knees bent and arms tucked to your side. When you want to slow down or stop, hop slightly and turn while bending your knees. Don’t forget to throw your hip outwards. This will give you some momentum. You got it?” I nodded, determined to get it right. “Alright then. Go first and I’ll follow right behind you.”

I sucked in a deep breath and squinted my eyes as I slowly descended the mountain terrain. I began picking up speed halfway down the slopes and felt the exhilarant of adrenaline flow through me. I enjoyed it very much.

That is until I crashed into a snow pile and buried myself three feet under. Turns out it was a ramp meant for experts. How humiliating! Someone approached from behind and helped me out of the pile. I muttered my thanks and began brushing the snow off of my snowsuit. The person grabbed hold of my head and began turning it from side to side. He then checked my arms and legs, patting it down as if inspecting for stolen goods or something.

“Um, can I help you?” I asked cautiously. The man looked up and removed the scarf from around his face.

Handsome. Very handsome.

“Sorry about that. Just checking for any broken bones or signs of trauma. Can you look over here?” He held my chin up and shined a flashlight in my eyes. He told me to follow his finger and afterwards he went to his snowmobile, that he drove over here, and came back with a heat pack. “Here, this’ll help a little.”

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