Chapter 11

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Two weeks have passed and we were getting ready for spirit week. They made the homecoming ball something like a costume dance since it fell on Halloween. I still didn’t have a date because the one person who I wanted to ask me already had a date. Who? Not his girlfriend. They already broke up. It’s some foreign exchange student from Germany. Her name? Anna Kroger. She was a cute little blond, blue-eyed girl who you just couldn’t hate, no matter how much you wanted to.

So my chances were pretty much shot since the beginning. I guess I’ll just go with a couple of friends. Or maybe not go at all since they’ll be together and I probably won’t be able to stand it. But I did tell Michael I would go. I can’t back down on my word. Whatever, I don’t care anymore.

I got back from school and dug in the freezer for a carton of ice cream and planted my butt on the couch. I heard the door slam shut as I switched the TV on and my brothers walked in with someone trailing behind them.

“Out,” they demanded and I glared.

“No,” I said and turned the volume up. Ryan came in and snatched the remote from me then punched my arm when I protested.

“We’ve got a friend staying over for the week, so go be a klutz somewhere else,” Bryan said.

I got up and began walking towards the stairs when my brothers’ friend stepped up and introduced himself.

“Hello, I’m sure we’ve never met before. My name is Jayson Kinsley. I’m new to the country and your brothers, here, offered to give me a tour around the city. They didn’t tell me there was such a lovely young maiden within their household,” he said and took my hand to place a kiss on it. I blushed crimson and coughed once.

“Um, okay. Well, make yourself at home, and don’t let my brothers take advantage of you. You seem like a nice guy, so let’s hope they don’t corrupt you,” I said in a low voice so that my brothers couldn’t hear. But what was the point when they were too busy watching UFC matches. He smiled and I just realized how cute he was. Although he pales in comparison to Michael, but he had a certain charm about him, and by the sound of his accent, I’d say he’s from England.

“You go to my brothers’ college?” I asked and went into the kitchen. He followed right behind and took a seat at the dining table.

“Ah, yes. Just moved here from London.” Ha, I was right!

“Wait! So you moved here? Why would you do that?” I asked baffled.

“There were some troubles back home, so I was forced to come here. Bit of a downer really, but I guess you could say it was worth it. America is very fascinating.”

“May I ask what the troubles were?” He gave me a look that sent chills shot up my spine before his eyes turned back to normal.

“I’d rather not say,” he said and smiled. Must’ve been my imagination.

“Okay, then. I guess I’ll see you around.” He stopped me before I got to the stairs.

“What school do you go to? I’d love to see it sometime.” He was pretty persistent. But still, he might be another Riley. I couldn’t lead him on and hurt him. That would be too cruel of me.

“My brothers can tell you that, I’m sure, if you ask them.” I smiled sweetly and went into my room to do my homework.

The next day I went to school, there was another note in my locker from another person who wanted to go to the dance with me. And again, I had to turn that person down. Girls began admiring and loathing me for all the attention and I believe that some was planning to jump me some time soon. The day passed in the same fashion and then it was time for the last class of the day.

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