#18 They walk in on you

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Sharing a flat with Thor had many advantages, for example, he was always there when you needed someone to open up the jar of jam when the lid was stuck. However there is another thing.


A perfect example of it happened to you a while ago. As always, Thor was watching TV and admiring the wonders of technology that exist on Midgard. No matter what you did or said, he wasn't aware of it. Only a tap on the shoulder or turning the TV off would distract him.

As every Tuesday afternoon, you came home from the gym and exhaustedly threw the bag on the floor. You were absolutely disgusted by the feeling of sweat on your body, so you just couldn't wait to jump in the shower and wash it all off.

"Thor, I'll be in the bathroom, so make sure you don't walk in or something." You said and looked over to him. He was curled up in a blanket, eyes glued on the screen. You heard him murmuring something, so you thought he heard you.

Yeah, right.

You went to the bathroom and began undressing.

"M'Lady, I was wondering-" You heard as the bathroom door opened. Thor stood there and couldn't believe his eyes. You had just took of your bra and threw it on the floor.

"Uhh, you should cover your lady parts..." He mumbled and covered his eyes with a wide smile on his lips. You bumped his shoulder.

"And you, mister, should pay more attention." You added, giggling.

" You added, giggling

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"This is the last time you forgot the umbrella, Rogers!" You claimed as you got into the flat, all wet from the rain that was pouring outside.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." He added sarcastically, emphasizing you.

"Don't you be sarcastic with me. Or else-"

"Or else what?" He said, coming closer to you, looking you in the eyes.

"I'll kick your butt."

"Ooooh, I'm so scared." He said and went to the kitchen. You laughed a bit. As you entered the living room, you went rummaging through the laundry you folded before you and Steve went out to the cinema.

You took your wet shirt and pants off. As you unclapped your bra, Steve rushed into the living room.

"You have any idea- OH, WOAH THERE." He immediately turned his back as he saw you with your shirt and bra off. You started laughing so hard, you had to sit on the floor.

"There's nothing funny about this? Oh dear, I'm so so sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident, I swear."

"I thought you weren't scared of me." You barely said, holding your stomach with one hand and covering your lady parts  with other.

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