#5 Your first date part 2 (his POV; Thor)

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"Tell me brother..." I say, as I walk by my brother, trapped in a cell made of glass.

"What is it now? Are you going to set me free?" He claimed, and leaned on the wall, flashing me with his crazy look.

"Don't act ridiculous. I only seek for an advice." I say, and come closer to the wall. Loki looked at me confusedly.

"Is this reality? Thor Odinson, my mighty brother, seeks for an advice from me, Loki Laufeyson. Tell me brother, have you recently lost your mind?" He said and started laughing his lungs out. He even sat on the floor, acting like a crazy person.

"My mind is clear, brother. And I'm dead serious."I respond calmly, looking at him. He stood up, and leaned back on the wall, making tracks with his fingers.

"What is it that you want to know?" His question echoed in the hall, making all the guards look at us in an awkward way. I sent them all away, convincing them that Loki will remain in the cell all the time. They hesitated, but my angry look made up their minds.

"I've been asking myself for a while... How do you impress Midgardian women?" His reaction was predictable. First, he gazed at me as I was a ghost or something, then just couldn't hold himself from laughing anymore. I stood there, leaned on the glass, and watched him enjoy in my sufferings.

"Very funny, brother." I say and sigh. "Okay then. I guess I'll have to seek for the answer elsewhere."

"Wait.." He said. "Excuse my behavior. But yet, I do not know anything that would be of any help to you." He said and smiled widely.

"Thank you anyway." I say and walk away from him. As I was just about to exit from the hall, I heard him yelling 'Just don't try to kill her with Mjolnir'. Typical Loki, what can I say. This was all a terrible idea. Maybe I should just... quit. But no, I am not that weak to quit at the beginning. I might look for the answer on Midgard, her homeland. I'm quite sure that mortals down there might know the answer. 

Confidently, I grabbed Mjolnir and made my way down the great halls, all the way across the Rainbow Bridge, over to Heimdall. Soon, I found my way down to Midgard, and landed in an alleyway. 

"Bloody hell and this Midgardian homeland." I say, as I get up from the wet floor and begin to swipe off the dirt that messed up my cloak. As I got out of it onto the street, I began with the search. Every person that I asked, was looking at me as I was a complete idiot. I wonder why...

"Excuse me, fellow traveler." I ask a man with a shirt that had a lot of flowers on it. He just murmured a couple of words that were not understandable. "Ehh, what?" I ask and furrow my eyebrows, then just nod in response and walk away. "This was... a new experience." 

I am walking for an hour now, and still there is no answer. I looked at a huge clock that was in the middle of the square, and I realize there is only half an hour before my date with Lady (Y/N). As I look up, I notice that the clouds started to become quite dark and that it was supposed to rain any minute now. Tiny rain drops started falling from the sky, soon making every single thing soaked with water, including me. 

"Awesome." I shrug and start to walk straight under the bus stop. Completely lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice a person in front of me, and of course, we ran straight in each other. 

"I'm so sorry, this.. Ugh, today is not my day, I guess.." A soft woman's voice claimed and turned around, revealing a familiar face. 

"(Y/N)?" I say, and look a bit closer. My goodness, I've never seen her this beautiful. Her eyes sparkling under the moonlight, and I have no idea, but the rain falling down her cheeks, down to her lips, perfect lips...

"Thor? Hello?" She snapped.

"Pardon me, I was thinking about... something." I smile widely and look in her eyes. "What are you doing here, all nervous and in a hurry?" 

"I was running home to get myself ready for our date, silly. And I'm nervous because... Um, we were going out so I was a bit worried."

"Why would you be worried?" 

"Leaving a good first impression. I'm not very good at those." She chuckled.

"You don't need to be worried about that. You already enchanted me." Did I say this out loud? Oh well... "I'm supposed to be the worried one here, as I don't know how to impress women here on Midgard. I have absolutely no idea of how a first date should be, what to do, how to dress, nothing.." I say, adding a laugh and occasionally looking at her lips which are simply irresistible to me.

"First date is always casual. At least that is what magazines say." She slightly punched my shoulder. "Well, our date starts about... now." She said, looking at her.. Um, some kind of device that produces light.

"Shall we take a walk?" I say, surprising her. She nodded and smiled.

The night just started. We were walking around the town, talking and we would snap a few of those... pictures, I think. It was almost midnight, the park was quiet, illuminated by the street lights and the moonlight. The rain stopped, thank god. We sat down on a bench and looked at each other for a few moments, in silence. I couldn't stop smiling at her, and she was all nervous, looking around and biting her lip. 

"BOO!" A group of teenagers jumped out of the bushes and laughed so hard at us. They scared (Y/N) so badly, that she curled up at my chest, and put her arms around my waist. As the crazy kids went away, she started laughing. At one moment, she stopped and looked directly at my eyes. 

"Sorry for this, but-"

"It feels fine for me." I interrupt her and smile. I take her hand a place a kiss on it.

"Oh, a gentleman, I see." She said, chuckling and even blushing. "But let me just say... I am everything but gentle." She said and placed her palms on my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. Finally. Her lips touching mine. My worries and anxiety is now gone. 

I finally managed to write this! It has been tough for me for the last two months (family and school), so I'm really sorry I haven't posted this earlier. But now I'm hopefully back on the track^^

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