#16 Saviour ~ Natasha

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This imagine was requested, so I hope you'll all like it:)

"To your room, young lady!" You hear a screeching voice coming from the hall, as you were just about to eat your Christmas dinner. A sigh escaped from your mouth. This has been happening for the last two moths. Every night, you would go to bed with a growling stomach, as your caretakers would always forbid you to eat dinner. Maybe it was because you were the oldest and the rumors have said  that Mr. and Mrs. Tearwood don't like children older than 12. Being a sixteen year old teenager in an orphanage like this, wasn't the greatest thing.

You rolled your eyes and looked back, just to see a short gray-haired woman leaned on the door, with a grumpy face and long witchy nails. Her feet were angrily tapping the floor, making all of the other orphans look away in fear.

"I haven't finished yet." You say bravely and smile. Her expression was priceless. Her nostrils widened, just as her eyes and her mouth was in an "o" shape.

"Get up." She said quietly, with gritted teeth. You could smell her angriness as well as the fear of the rest. You got up and looked straight into her eyes. Flames were just about to burst out from her eyes.

"You dare to oppose me?"

"No." You say sarcastically and smile, causing her to come a few steps closer to you. Wooden planks below your feet were creeking. She stood in front of you and tapped with her feet on the floor. This was a clear sign that she was angry. Right behind her, a male figure appeared.

"Darling, what is the problem?" The man asked and stepped next to this lovely wife.

"This... bastard child is the problem. She refuses to obey my commands." She said, smiling at you. You smiled back, earning a slap because of it.

"Go to your fucking room or else you know what awaits you." The man said, with gritted teeth, enjoying to see you suffering. You were holding your red cheek, piercing this man with your look. You were well known as a 'payback girl', because all of those who said or did anything to you, you paid the service back. 

"Do it." You said bravely, removing the hand from your cheek and smiling at the couple. The man roughly stepped  forward, grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of the dining room, away from the looks of terrified children.

His hands were like rusty chains, hurting your skin as they were sharpened blades. The purple bruises on your skin were not an odd thing, because the owners of this institute took 'good care' of you. Every night, helpless girl cried in the corner of a dark bedroom, surrounded by nothing but dark and dust. This wasn't the life you deserved...

"You're lucky you're not 18, you crying bitch!" He shouted and dragged you to your room, pushing you on your bed and hitting you again. And again, until you screamed to stop.

"This will teach you not to mess with me. Merry Christmas, bastard." He said and stormed out of the room, shutting the doors so hard, that the fragments of the wall fell on the floor.

You curled up by the wall and looked through the window. This isn't an orphanage, this is a prison. Only two years were separating you from freedom.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" You heard a little boy's voice, coming from the doors. The doors opened and a little figure walked in. It was Jeremy, a six year old boy you shared your room with.

"I'm fine." You murmur, holding back the tears. You didn't want that Jeremy hears you, simply because you didn't want anyone to see how broken you really are.

"I brought you candy. I know it isn't much, but you need it more than I do. Here, take it and eat it." He said and handed you a little chocolate bar, with a warm smile.

"I can't take it, Jeremy-"

"Yes you can! Now, are you ready?" He squealed excitedly.

"Ready for what?" Your eyebrows furrowed, as you looked at him surprisingly.

"Someone is coming today to pick a child to take care of. Haven't you heard of it?"

"No..." You shrug and look away. This was... too much. Being finally adopted by a nice family would mean the end of your sufferings. But they didn't want to let you go. Your tears were their source of, let's say, fun.

"Kids, it's time!" You heard the voice from downstairs. You nodded to Jeremy, making him run down in excitement.

To keep your mind off the bad stuff, you turned on the radio that was by your bed. Your favorite tunes rang and you couldn't help but to increase the volume, almost to the maximum. The peaceful melody was ruined by the yelling of the man that dragged you here. His face was burning red, as he was piercing you with his look.

"Turn it off, immediately!" He shouted angrily, making you jump a little. You refused to do it. He took a few steps forward, taking off his belt. "Turn it off, or I swear this leather belt will hurt your precious back." He claimed, forcing you to the wall and making the tears stream down your face.

"Put the belt back, or my bullet will hurt your precious head." A woman's voice suddenly dragged his attention from you. You looked at the door and saw a young woman, dressed all classy, holding a gun in her hand and pointing it straight to his forehead.

"Is this some kind of a joke?" He started laughing, but the woman was dead serious.

"Agent Romanoff. Girl, what is your name?" She asked, slowly walking towards you.

"What in the name of-?! Hey, lady, this is none of your fucking business, okay? Please go downstairs, the kids are down there. This is a private thing." He said, stepping ahead and looking at agent Romanoff angrily. She glanced at him and reached for your hand.

"My n-name is (Y/N)." You said, still shaking a bit from the shock. She smiled at you gently.

"That's it-" He started, but the agent turned quickly, hitting him in the special area. He winced in pain and fell on his knees, making his face an easy target. She walked over to him and hit his head with her leg.

"This will teach you to treat women with respect." She added and grabbed you by your hand, but let it go after she heard your whimper. her eyes widened as she saw your purple bruises all over your hand. "You're coming with me."

"Where?" You ask in surprise.

"We're going home." She said with a huge smile. "I'm Natasha, by the way."

As you walked out, Natasha pierced the woman with her look, making her look disgraceful. The real cherry on the top, was her face when she saw you leaving with her.

"Merry Christmas." You said on your way out, slamming the door.

Sorry it took so long to write, but it's finally here:) I cannot express my happiness when I got like, hundred comments yesterday, that really boosted my will to continue writing this book of preferences:)

Clint is the next one and I will hopefully post it today^^

Have a nice day♥

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